Breastfeeding and losing weight



  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    And me. I am feeding a 5.5 month old boy atm :smile: Losing slowly and comfortably.
  • babywait
    babywait Posts: 6 Member
    Add me too. I'm 3 weeks postpartum today and exclusively breastfeeding. I'm 5.9 and 181 lbs and down 16 lbs so far with a goal of 155-160. MFP is the only way I have successfully lost the weight with my other 2 pregnancies so I'm optimistic. Recently, I have been craving sweets like crazy which is why I decided to jump back into tracking my food. I'm hopeful that with a LOT LESS refined sugar, I'll easily drop a couple of more lbs but we'll see. I am also waiting for the drs clear to exercise because of c-section so that is delayed a little while longer.
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm 4 months PP on Sunday, feel free to add me. I have a successful history of losing weight with IIFYM and just started counting again, losing on 2195 cals/day. I bf and do have to supplement...I only get about 20 oz max a day for my little guy, but have not had any damage to the light supply that I do have since going back to counting. One piece of advice I have for all moms here if you're newer to MFP, counting calories or macros, is to please don't be afraid to eat, and use an outside calculator for your calories/macros. MFP sets calories way too low and most people do not need to eat so little. I suggest finding calculators that will use your BMR and TDEE and then manually set your calories in MFP and use the app to log all your foods.
  • ImALoserBB
    ImALoserBB Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me! :) I'm 5 mo pp. I have more than just baby weight to lose. I am obese and want to get healthy so I can keep up with my baby girl when she gets older. I already struggled with low milk supply. But, when I started counting calories I had a big dip in supply and Dr said my baby wasn't gaining enough weight. I had to start supplementing more with formula. I got really discouraged and haven't been counting calories since. Should I just wait until I wean? I'm scared to try again bc I don't want to mess with my already very low supply. :/ but, I'm so ready to start getting healthy.
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    Added you :) I'm almost 3 months pp and have about 14 lbs to lost to get back to my pre pregnancy weight but I was in a lot better shape before I got pregnant and put on bed rest so I have some weight training to do as well! I lost with this site before and I've gotta get back n the bandwagon now.