Just a rant

I am 23yo, 5'4" and currently 132. I have been really good since I have started eating healthier and exercising again at the beginning of the summer. I have lost 8 pounds in about 2 months. I know that isn't very quick, but I am in the healthy BMI range and am close to my goal weight. I know things have to be slow and careful at this point.

I know I shouldn't stress about it, but I had plans to go to the gym and get at least a good hour of cardio for the day but things keep coming up that I have to deal with. I have a crazy work schedule (4-5 overnights a week), so planning is key to getting Anything done, so when things come up it really stresses me out. I already had my rest day, and yesterday there was no time for me to go, and the same for today. I know that this is out of my control and that in the long run this is not a big issue. The rest days were nice, I just feel like I don't deserve them.

It is just that I had made goals earlier in the month that I feel are slipping away. I have a goal to walk/run 60 miles in July of which I have done 42. I know it is obtainable I was just expecting to blow 60 miles out of the park, yanno? Last month I killed my 50 mile goal and I wanted to do the same this month!

I also was trying to get near 125lbs by September, but I don't think this goal is as obtainable. :/

Hopefully tomorrow I can sneak into the gym and try to catch up on the days I missed with slightly longer work outs. I won't run myself into the ground though, maybe doing my normal run and then adding extra time walking the dog.

End of rant/complaining. Sorry it was long.


  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Don't get too caught up by that number. I think that those fitness goals are much much better to go by. Also remember that sometimes things won't go perfectly. Life isn't a straight line and therefore neither is a fitness journey. But the fact that you're still pushing yourself to do better and WANT to keep at is a blessing (even though right now it might feel like a curse) because it means that you still have that drive. I get it though. Sometimes it helps to get mad. I have a pillow on a wall for moments like these. :D
  • Montarosa456
    Montarosa456 Posts: 133
    You know what I think...?
    Stop telling yourself its 'unattainable' - Here's the deal...If we all said that we would get no where.
    Move the goal posts...
    You have 8 day's left of July that you can work out (as you are working today etc) in to hit your 60mile goal - Your 18miles away..That's 2.25miles a day..When you break it down like that..it's really NOT very far at all..You can cover 2.25 in no time..before work, after work or just bump up with a longer run on one of your gym sessions and clear the miles then..Just stay calm..make a plan..break it down and you may..even find yourself exceeding your goals and feeling really good :)
    Best of luck.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    When my schedule prevents me from getting to my gym, I do at least some basic exercises at home. That might help, no?
  • mbrtron
    mbrtron Posts: 45
    I try not to plan my rest days. Sunday is supposed to always be a rest day but I had to take an extra day off during the week so I'll be at the gym today. I have some running around to do with my daughter so I'll probably take tomorrow off instead. I aim for 6 days a week but always hit 5. If you know your schedule can make working out hard, try not to plan rest days. Give yourself a goal and work out whenever you have time (unless you need the rest day!) At least, that would be my advice.