Someone motivate me

I'm 6 stone overweight but don't seem to be able to motivate myself and keep up with any sort of lifestyle changes or diets. I'm so miserable at this weight and it's affecting all areas of my life. I just want to be healthy and happy again!!


  • AnthonyX150X
    AnthonyX150X Posts: 293 Member
    We can all say the right things to try and get you motivated, but true motivation comes from within if you really want something enough.

    Coming to Myfitnesspal was already a good first step. Did you set up your profile to give you a calorie goal to aim for? If so you completed step 2. Now try and hit that calorie goal for the first day and consider that step 3. The point I'm trying to make is weight loss can be a daunting and intimidating task when you look at the big picture, breaking it down into small, reachable goals can really give you the confidence you need to move forward.
  • laceyslabaugh
    laceyslabaugh Posts: 113 Member
    It is hard to get motivated, but I agree with AnthonyX150X you have to be motivated from within. It took me 4 years to wake up and just be done and do it! When I start to lean towards eating bad (candy or fast food or drinking a beer) I just remind myself that I've lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks - I can do this and NOTHING is going to taste as good as being thinner feels and how I feel about myself! Good Luck! We are here for you Annaandholly :)
  • elway123
    elway123 Posts: 4 Member
    People commonly make the mistake that exercise has to be a long hard grueling process, but that is not the case. Walking is a great exercise, and exercise is a great mood booster. Sunshine also helps boost your mood. I walk outside on my breaks at work and it helps me a ton. If it is too cold to walk outside, I would recommend YouTube. My wife found these dance workout videos on there and she loves them. Do whatever activity makes you happy just try to get active because that will make your mind right. Feel free to add me as a friend. we are all in this together