I feel disgusting



  • Anonymous_fiend
    Anonymous_fiend Posts: 196 Member
    You're an attractive young male at a healthy (and thin) weight. If anything focus on limiting junk food not counting calories but restricting too much is unhealthy. If you are unhappy with how you look try recomping- losing body fat while adding muscle. Try talking to a counselor if you're having an unhealthy relationship with food. It could be triggered by other things going on.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Of course you're gaining weight! You're a young man who's putting on muscle! Over the last few years you have grown at a very fast rate, meaning your bones are longer, but the muscle has not kept up with the growth and is now bulking up to fill in the gap.

    This is completely, totally, 100% normal and desirable, and you should not worry about it. Nor should you worry about having a big appetite, as you need the energy for muscle growth.

    In my opinion, you need to stop restricting food (that will only make you obsess about it anyway), eat while you're hungry, making sure to get plenty of protein for those muscles, and stop thinking about losing weight. Perhaps you might enjoy weight training so you can see your own new strength in action.

    If you cannot stop thinking about losing weight, or if the idea of bulking up or eating plenty makes you anxious, then you have some signs of an eating disorder and should read up on that and seek some help. But if you can, just shift your focus to strength and ignore the idea of weight loss altogether. It is not appropriate for you.
  • 0831227
    0831227 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi OP, I don't know anything about your whole situation or your health status so there is no absolute advice that can be given here, but as someone who graduated in psychology I suggest that you talk with someone about potential body image issues/potential unhealthy relationship with food.

    As I said, we are all just strangers off the internet and we don't know the whole picture, but it seems to me that you are deadly scared of gaining weight and restricting yourself to a very harsh diet when you are not overweight, even quite underweight for you height and age. Plus I am guessing that you must have checked the recommended BMI on internet since it is so easy to consult it, thus you might be aware of what the numbers say but still feel disgusted by the fact you are gaining weight.

    If you don't feel confortable talking to a professional just yet, maybe you could confess to someone you feel close to and see what they think of the idea.

    Wishing you the best.
  • SadDolt
    SadDolt Posts: 173 Member
    5'11 and 155? can i be you?
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Mfp friend, all these numbers are just numbers. You need to eat well, sleep well, drink plenty of water and relax.Talk with your doctor about where they would like to see your weight. They can factor in a bunch of things that we can't see, nor are we medically trained.