Unemployment/living with parents



  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    You're not a leech. You've got part of an education moving in the general direction of certification in a good field which has the potential of allowing you to get a decent job and support yourself while you accumulate more educational credentials and move up the professional ladder.

    My two younger daughters, 20 and 26, show no signs of any ambition to ever launch. That's a leech.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I live in Italy, and living at home with your family is the norm. Since the economy is very bad here, it's hard to find a decent job. I have 3 sons--30, 29 and 23, all at home. My oldest has studied for years, and finally passed the most difficult bar exam in Italy--he will be a Notaio, like my husband. We are still waiting for his posting, and then he'll get his seal. He will get married in July, and then move to another town to practice. My second son has taken the Law Bar Exam and will hear the results in July, he is now studying to be a magistrate. My youngest is still in college with a year or two to go. I cook alot of big meals everyday. Sometimes it seems neverending, but we want our kids to have the opportunity to be professionals. It takes a long time, and years of study here. I must admit that sometimes I'm jealous of friends and family in the States with all their kids gone, since I haven't much time for myself.
  • postchrysalis
    postchrysalis Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 25 and I still live at home. Why? Because I live in one of the most expensive cities in the world and I can't afford to live on my own with what I make, even in a shoddy area. It sucks, but it is what it is. I have absolutely no idea what to do with my life so I feel totally aimless.
  • powwlita
    powwlita Posts: 16 Member
    just wanted to add my story too. My MIL died, my husband had to move to her town to take care of her estate. My parents didn't like me living alone while he was gone, and I was up to my eyes in debt, so I moved back in with my parents at 31. I am 33 now. It was hard as hell, because my brother and his gf live there, and my other brother came back from the Navy and lives there too. So my parents have had 3 of their 5 kids with them for a while. There were times where I wanted to just live in my car because of the stress, but I'm grateful that they offered their home to me. My husband was able to sell his mom's house, and we're signing a lease on an apartment tomorrow. It's a long, hard road, but if you want to move out, focus on that and it'll come.
  • leadslinger17
    leadslinger17 Posts: 297 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    I'm 28 this year...I think...and still live with my parents. The goal going back home after school was pay off student loan and save for a house. The loan is paid off and I'm halfway to my down payment. Sometimes I get picked on by friends and coworkers for living with my parents, but I dry my tears with a wad of cash and keep on trekking. My parents love having me home as I'll be the last bird out of the nest. I'll never regret having this extra time to learn from them.

    I moved home with my parents two years after getting out of college so I could start reestablishing residence to go back to grad school and get in state tuition at the school I wanted to go to. At the time it wasn't much, maybe 6 months until I found an apartment, and I didn't think much of it at the time but my dad died unexpectedly about 3 years later (I was 28). Now I'm really glad I had that time with him. Nothing wrong with staying at home (especially if you have a plan). Everything happens for a reason, and enjoy the time with your parents as an adult.