New here, I don't want to quit.

Hey there! I'm Rebecca. 24, I work full time as a pest control technician. I recently (over a few months) gained 30 pounds (I was already overweight) and I never ever thought I could gain more, but, alas. I weight lifted quite a bit a few years ago but 3+ years of eating badly and not lifting heavy things has made me gain weight. I was 215 or so but now I'm at 245 and can't fit comfortably into my work pants; I went up a size in men's shirts. That sucked.

I think for me my eating habits are going to be the hardest thing. I am pretty active, I fight 2x a week for 2 hours and I spend an hour at the th three days a week. Weekends I am trying my hardest to go on hikes and just be active :/

Goal weight isn't really a big deal, I don't care so much about the number since I do have a lot of muscle. My issue is pant size and how I feel!
Everyone has to start somewhere though, I'm on phentermine from the dr to help me start out fixing my diet. So far it's helping substantially.

Thanks for listening to me ramble, nice to meet you all!