Shoveling snow



  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    edited February 2017
    no snow shovel. cuz it never snows here. and when it does . . . it doesn't. not really.

    except that this winter it did, and nobody took the first dose of it seriously. me least of all, so i ended up with an inch of packed ice over all the sidewalks. i got out a dustpan and a ten-pound plate, mcgyver style. one-legged deficit deadlifts [with plate-drop from arm's height] to break it up, and then third-world squats with the 'chest-opening' fling move to clear the rubble. with subsequent dumps, i was more on the ball and just did the squat-with-dustpan-fling thing before it froze up.

    i know perfectly well how weird it all looked. but the truth is, i kind of had a mcgyverish blast. would have been doing that stuff in the gym anyway. it was nice how all that blether about weightlifting being 'functional' movement turned out to be true, for a change.

    I laughed! And my first response disappeared??
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    I had to go to physical therapy every spring for years for rhomboid issues related to shoveling, because I lived with a roommate who got really angry anytime the footpath wasn't perfectly shoveled all the way to the concrete. If she fell on ice it was everyone else's fault for not shoveling well enough. Even when we went in shifts, it was still very taxing, because the snow got so high we had to lift it up almost over our heads to remove it. My partner eventually just got a snowblower and ended that misery. Now, at our new place we have a porch and a deck that we can't snowblow, so I go out there and shovel when I feel like it and let my shoulder rest when it starts getting uncomfortable. I haven't had nearly as many problems as I used to. Take it easy out there, folks!
  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    jenxbowers wrote: »
    Shoveling is so much easier when you're in better shape! Yesterday I shoveled a lot of heavy snow for a long time. Today my upper back hurts. I don't think I pulled anything, but it's sore. Should I have been bending my knees more to avoid this? Today I have workout A for Stronglifts and I fear my rows will suffer! I hope more of my roommates actually help me shovel next time...

    I lift weights religiously, and I still get some low back pain while shoveling! It's not fun for anyone lol. But the best thing you can do is think about optimal ergonomics. You should buy a shovel that enables you to grip and shovel optimally. Ex: not a flatter one. Those can hardly contain snow!!! Also get if you can to bend your knees slightly versus excessively leaning forward/downward. A neutral spine is the safest when doing any form of lifting! Also it can help to stand with a wider base of support, like say hip width apart.

    But yeah, shoveling snow definitely is a very demanding task, requiring both strength and endurance (cardiac and muscular). So don't be afraid to take breaks if you need them! Being safe and knowing when you need to rest your body is key!!
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    I shovel for time!
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    More snow incoming lol. Looking forward to the burn
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    More snow incoming lol. Looking forward to the burn

  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    jenxbowers wrote: »
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    More snow incoming lol. Looking forward to the burn


    LoL, based on your OP I think your first order of business should be waking your roommates up with buckets of snow and ice :) and make them shovel.

    Take video when you do it please! :D

  • Fallfrenzy
    Fallfrenzy Posts: 118 Member
    More snow tomorrow! I find shoveling is a great workout and somewhat therapeutic. My spouse laughs at me because I am very deliberate when I shovel and want to get every last bit off the driveway. Driveway is a hill though so wondering if it is sometimes just better to leave some of it there. It can turn into a sledding hill and I can get the exercise running up the hill and sliding down a few times. :smiley:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Anabirgite wrote: »
    We moved to the midwest from the west coast...

    How do you cope? I would die. (Southern California native.) B)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    jenxbowers wrote: »
    ...I hope more of my roommates actually help me shovel next time...

    LOL, good luck with that! ;)
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    jenxbowers wrote: »
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    More snow incoming lol. Looking forward to the burn


    LoL, based on your OP I think your first order of business should be waking your roommates up with buckets of snow and ice :) and make them shovel.

    Take video when you do it please! :D

    Hahahaha! I like this idea!

    They changed the forecast for me, though; we're not getting much tomorrow. I actually like snow for snowshoeing, and days off school :)
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    jenxbowers wrote: »
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    jenxbowers wrote: »
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    More snow incoming lol. Looking forward to the burn


    LoL, based on your OP I think your first order of business should be waking your roommates up with buckets of snow and ice :) and make them shovel.

    Take video when you do it please! :D

    Hahahaha! I like this idea!

    They changed the forecast for me, though; we're not getting much tomorrow. I actually like snow for snowshoeing, and days off school :)
    They changed our forecast too. More. Lots more lol. Looks like a 4 hour workout tomorrow night and most likely a wicked snowball fight with my wife and daughter. >:):) I usually lose, but it's still good fun. :)
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    I have a snow blower...haven't used it yet. Maybe when I can throw the snow over the deck railing.

  • ronocnikral
    ronocnikral Posts: 176 Member
    shoveling sucks. Growing up in Minnesota i could never figure out why my father never bought a snowblower....but being outside when it's dark and cold and you're shoveling day after day. Trust me, the novelty wears off quickly.

    The vibrations of my snowblower really ups my step count though... :smile: