I don't understand.



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Looking over your diary I see a lot of things measured by cups. If you were having good success with that, I would say stick with it, but you are not. My suggestions are get a digital kitchen scale and weigh all solids (including those that are grated and ground) and even liquids if you have weight serving sizes for them.

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I lost 3, but it just seems so little

    3 lb in 21 days = 1 lb per week. That's usually pretty good. Has it come off little by little, or a bunch at first and nothing since?

    If the former, I'd say keep doing what you're doing, because it's working.
  • GummyLionGirl
    GummyLionGirl Posts: 23 Member
    weaselhut wrote: »
    boom. that's one pound for week! Look at your super-dedication to exercising! That's amazing! Definitely celebrate your successes, but AND! it's OK to problem-solve around sticking points.

    For example, I can say that my body does not buy the whole "a calorie is a calorie is a calorie" mantra. Simple carbs (like sugary or starchy things) tend to make my scale go sticky, whereas high protein/low sugar stuff (real food not fabricated protein-bar-ish things) help me feel full, well-fueled and let my body work more efficiently...and let me see better impact when I weigh in. You can try cutting out carbs entirely or even cutting back your normal portion size of starches (half a potato instead of a whole, 2 tablespoons of rice instead of a half-cup) and ramping up your crunchy, bright veggies (think broccoli, squash--eat the rainbow!!)

    The other thing that I can say that's been helpful about having my own fair share of "bad days" (and you don't have to share anything you don't want to, babe) is taking a look at what made it hard to stay true to my goals. Did I make not-so-great food choices because I was stressed? because I didn't take time to plan meals and snacks that help me take good care of myself? ... all of the above? :) So what can I do to manage those challenges?

    You are gorgeous. You are not wrong. This is an opportunity to learn from what's working for you and what's not. Every day you have a glorious chance to explore a different path to reach a different place in your fabulous life.

    You've got this. And we've got your back.

    You are so nice. I appreciate everything you just said. ❤
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    A) 3 Pounds in 3 Weeks is just fine!

    B) Calorie burns are a big guess, try logging half of what you think you are burning.
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    edited February 2017
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    Everyone on this website has their "bad days" or at least their own definition of it. Maybe you could open it just to get help on this topic and close it back. If you don't want to open it, you are probably eating at maintenance calories, not accurately weighing your food, or lacking a bit of patience. For your height and size, under 1300 calories doesn't seem like enough. Also, remember that it doesn't matter if you go 'balls to the wall' in the gym - you must still eat under maintenance to lose weight. I used to bust my *kitten* in the gym - but I overate all the time. At that time, I saw little to no progress with weight loss. Keep in mind, you don't even have to work out to lose weight. Calories are King. best of luck.

    Thank you. :)

    You are welcome. Track condiments (ketchup, mayo, coffee creamer, salad dressings, etc) It is kind of a pain but it is important. Also, don't rely on the database for measurements. I cant tell by your diary if you are actually using a food SCALE. not measuring cups. That will make a big difference.

    Check out this link and be sure to look under #1 http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1

    You got this! It just takes a little time to find what works for you!
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Make sure you are taking body measurements also - sometimes you will lose inches before you start to see it on the scale. And averaging a 1# loss per week sounds like a consistent and safe rate of loss to me - hang in there, it will happen *_*
  • GummyLionGirl
    GummyLionGirl Posts: 23 Member
    NEOHgirl wrote: »
    Make sure you are taking body measurements also - sometimes you will lose inches before you start to see it on the scale. And averaging a 1# loss per week sounds like a consistent and safe rate of loss to me - hang in there, it will happen *_*

    North east Ohio girl? I'm in akron. (lol if it does stand for north east Ohio?)
  • GummyLionGirl
    GummyLionGirl Posts: 23 Member
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    Everyone on this website has their "bad days" or at least their own definition of it. Maybe you could open it just to get help on this topic and close it back. If you don't want to open it, you are probably eating at maintenance calories, not accurately weighing your food, or lacking a bit of patience. For your height and size, under 1300 calories doesn't seem like enough. Also, remember that it doesn't matter if you go 'balls to the wall' in the gym - you must still eat under maintenance to lose weight. I used to bust my *kitten* in the gym - but I overate all the time. At that time, I saw little to no progress with weight loss. Keep in mind, you don't even have to work out to lose weight. Calories are King. best of luck.

    Thank you. :)

    You are welcome. Track condiments (ketchup, mayo, coffee creamer, salad dressings, etc) It is kind of a pain but it is important. Also, don't rely on the database for measurements. I cant tell by your diary if you are actually using a food SCALE. not measuring cups. That will make a big difference.

    Check out this link and be sure to look under #1 http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1

    You got this! It just takes a little time to find what works for you!

    I do use measuring cups. That's bad? :(
  • Faye369
    Faye369 Posts: 33 Member
    It may be that your body is getting used to your routine .. can you change things up a bit? Your sodium intake could be reduced .. prepackaged foods are usually a big contributer. A person is more likely to retain water with increased sodium. I like the treadmill, spin and eliptical too much but I found that making a couple changes (enter rowing machine) and tried intermittent fasting (the 5:2 eating strategy) I was able to jump off the plateau. It wasn't a huge drop but a consistent 1/2 lb a week... and that is a good feeling. Good Luck
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    That's a pound a week. Seems fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    you have a lot of cup measurments - my recommendation would be to buy a scale (I think mine was about $15) and weigh everything - cups/TBSP can widely vary on calories depending on how much you squeeze
  • GummyLionGirl
    GummyLionGirl Posts: 23 Member
    Faye369 wrote: »
    It may be that your body is getting used to your routine .. can you change things up a bit? Your sodium intake could be reduced .. prepackaged foods are usually a big contributer. A person is more likely to retain water with increased sodium. I like the treadmill, spin and eliptical too much but I found that making a couple changes (enter rowing machine) and tried intermittent fasting (the 5:2 eating strategy) I was able to jump off the plateau. It wasn't a huge drop but a consistent 1/2 lb a week... and that is a good feeling. Good Luck

    Thank you so much!
  • Dentice143
    Dentice143 Posts: 42 Member
    One pound a week is great progress. Your goal should be to lose 1-2 pounds per week for safe weight loss, and you are right on track! GO YOU!!! I also agree with the excess sodium. It will definitely affect water retention. Also, it is everyone's preference on the amount of water to drink, based on your size, activity level, etc.. Maybe try drinking more water to offset the amount of sodium. I try to aim for about 1/3 of my body weight, as I have a very sedentary life. I don't often exercise, and I have a desk job. In my opinion, you are doing fantastic, and I say keep up the good work!
  • Dentice143
    Dentice143 Posts: 42 Member
    you have a lot of cup measurments - my recommendation would be to buy a scale (I think mine was about $15) and weigh everything - cups/TBSP can widely vary on calories depending on how much you squeeze

    I completely agree with this! I was shocked at the difference when I finally bought a scale for food. I bought my scale at Walmart for about $10.00.
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    bmayes2014 wrote: »
    Everyone on this website has their "bad days" or at least their own definition of it. Maybe you could open it just to get help on this topic and close it back. If you don't want to open it, you are probably eating at maintenance calories, not accurately weighing your food, or lacking a bit of patience. For your height and size, under 1300 calories doesn't seem like enough. Also, remember that it doesn't matter if you go 'balls to the wall' in the gym - you must still eat under maintenance to lose weight. I used to bust my *kitten* in the gym - but I overate all the time. At that time, I saw little to no progress with weight loss. Keep in mind, you don't even have to work out to lose weight. Calories are King. best of luck.

    Thank you. :)

    You are welcome. Track condiments (ketchup, mayo, coffee creamer, salad dressings, etc) It is kind of a pain but it is important. Also, don't rely on the database for measurements. I cant tell by your diary if you are actually using a food SCALE. not measuring cups. That will make a big difference.

    Check out this link and be sure to look under #1 http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1

    You got this! It just takes a little time to find what works for you!

    I do use measuring cups. That's bad? :(

    No, It's not "bad", but a scale will be most accurate. Take a look at the video rileysowner posted above
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    its not bad, but a scale will be more accurate - you may find that you are eating a serving size compared to the weight in cups

    i.e. every night I do a bowl of cereal - a serving is 3/4 a cup, or 29g - i'll give you a hint on which one was less...so I was essentially eating 1.5x the calories of the serving size - which adds up over time
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    NEOHgirl wrote: »
    Make sure you are taking body measurements also - sometimes you will lose inches before you start to see it on the scale. And averaging a 1# loss per week sounds like a consistent and safe rate of loss to me - hang in there, it will happen *_*

    North east Ohio girl? I'm in akron. (lol if it does stand for north east Ohio?)

    I am in Cleveland - it is a combo of northeast OH and New England/Ohio, because I grew up in Massachusetts *_*
  • faramelee
    faramelee Posts: 163 Member
    faramelee wrote: »
    You're taking in a lot of sodium - for some people this can lead to bloating and water retention.
    How are you measuring your workout calories?

    Best of luck to you!

    I just measure calories by whatever pops up on the exercise from this app

    Sometimes these measures are way over the mark - it's very frustrating, I know. Try to take a percentage off of these measures and see how you go.

    You are doing great and unfortunately it does take patience - it took more than three weeks for the weight to go on so it stands to reason that it'll take a little time to come back off.

  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    ok - for some reason I'm not seeing Gummy Lion Girl's posts...what gives? did I get blocked or something
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    ok - for some reason I'm not seeing Gummy Lion Girl's posts...what gives? did I get blocked or something

    Did you accidentally block her?