Attention During/After Weight Loss

I've noticed as I'm getting closer to my goal that I'm receiving some...strange attention from the general public.

Is this common? Have you or anyone close to you experienced this?

A few examples for clarification:

I had a guy ask me the time at the library. No biggie but he was on the computer.

I went out for dinner tonight & the cashier did a pretty long "once over" from my shoes to my hat before taking my order.

I was at the park with my kid & this guy asked how I was doing. I said fine, how are you? He says much better now.

It's giving me really bad social anxiety. I hardly ever went out before but now I REALLY dread it. Also, if I were going to gain any amount of weight back this would be a huge reason why. I just want to be fat & invisible again.


  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    It's fairly common I think. I guess just try to look at it as a compliment and all your hard work.
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    Ah, the male gaze. I used to get this kind of unwanted attention a lot when I was younger and fitter and also really disliked it. I did not appreciate being looked at like I was a cheeseburger someone wanted to devour, because it felt dehumanizing. Now, I find myself wondering if I don't get that kind of attention anymore b/c of weight gain and feeling like I lost a form of validation that I never asked for or wanted in the first place. It seriously can colonize your self-image in that way. I hope you find a way to deal with the unwanted attention in a way that makes you feel safe and respected.
  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    My advice is to take it for what it is, a compliment. And find some peace in the fact that these were very innocent situations. These men are expressing their interest. Even if you aren't interested in it (married, dating someone, focusing on you and not wanting someone in your life right now) they have no idea cause there isn't a sign up telling them.

    It's not going to stop. Believe it or not, it has very LITTLE to do with your weight loss. You are feeling more secure and more proud of yourself. This is something they pick up! A woman that holds her head up high and has confidence is sexy.

    Congratulations on your journey so far, don't feel like you need to regain for this to stop. Embrace it!!!