TV is hard to watch without eating



  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    stop watching tv. it kills your brain cells, anyways.

    Could you please post a scientific study on this statement? lol

    Watching TV does not kill brain cells. I would say it causes them to atrophy due lack of use, like muscles do when one just lies around instead of moving.

    But what if you're watching Nova on PBS? :sunglasses:

    Look at the ratings for Nova vs The Bachelor or other trash tv and I think you'll find in the vaSt majority of cases tv is weakening more brain cells than its building

    I'm just trying to lighten up some of the TV hate in this thread :tongue: Personally PBS is a big hit at our house. I don't buy into the 'TV is rotting our brains' philosophy. It's like food. You can choose a steady diet of junk, abstain from junk completely, or find a balance that works for you personally.
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    ask yourself if TV watching is really entertaining you. If it's not entertaining enough without snacks, perhaps you need to replace that with a different, more engaging activity. Or find something to do while you watch. I set my laptop on my treadmill console and stream shows while I'm walking or I knit/craft. I like my shows, but I've never been able to just sit and watch - that's a good impulse - use it in your favor - not to snack but to accomplish something while you're watching.
  • crookss72
    crookss72 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a range of green teas which i drink while watching TV. Teapigs do a Liqourice and Peppermint one and M & S do a Rooibos, Vanilla and Coco Nibs one Both are very low in cals and give me the sweet hit I need at night relaxing in front of the box. Keep the faith and hope this helps.
  • erinmc738
    erinmc738 Posts: 2 Member
    I watch true crime shows and procedurals. Once you watch the entire series of Bones, NCIS, and a boatload of other shows dealing with gore, death, dismemberment, and autopsy... you lose the tendency to eat in front of the TV. However, I've become desensitized to the content so on occasion I will find myself having dinner while Ducky is doing an autopsy, Forensic Filesis talking about decomp or blood spatter patterns, or when Bones is having some putrid whatnot sent to the Jeffersonian for analysis.
    To keep myself from eating in front of the TV, though, I try to be doing something constructive with my hands. Working on my crochet project, doing my homework, or cleaning the house.
  • FitBody3
    FitBody3 Posts: 36 Member
    I actually find that when I watch something which interests me on TV , I completely forget about eating. Maybe its because you are bored?
  • EternalSnow627_
    EternalSnow627_ Posts: 85 Member
    I don't eat in front of tv. I never have. I have 3 meals a day and that's usually it. I watch tv to be entertained not to eat in front of.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I rarely watch TV; I mostly only watch sport when I do, or the occasional episode of Air Crash Investigation, or some of the Highway Patrol type shows. If it's a sport I'm invested in, I'm far too invested in the outcome to be eating, and if I'm not so invested, I generally have it on as background noise while I'm tapping away on my laptop, which I bring down to the couch with me.

    The only exception to the rule is Bathurst, but I lay out the snacks before the green flag and then just munch my way through six hours of hoping Lowndsey's car doesn't break.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    ahh.. okay.

    That would drive me bat crap crazy lol.. It's why i don't own hangers and hang up my jacket or clothing in my closet haha.. i would always say to myself, im putting the coat on tomorrow.. why do i do this task.. and then hang it off the door knob lol..

    I think after a week of trying to remind myself to either do one or the other id probably just quit and eat while watching tv again lol..

    I have the same issues at work.. however its work so i have no choice but.. why do i need to date something i empty every single day and refill.. if im back tomorrow, couldnt i just put a date on it at the end of my 2/3 days there so the next person knows when it was changed? LOL.. small tasks.. not a fan haha

    Haha. That's how I feel about making my bed.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    You're probably eating because you want to be busy while watching TV. If I feel the need to do something else while watching TV, then the show I'm watching isn't worth my time. That being said, I will turn the TV on for noise and spend my time coloring (yes, I'm 5), doing some crafty thing, or walking on a treadmill.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Kdewit03 wrote: »
    I am finding it very hard to watch tv and not do you guys do it?

    I don't watch much TV. I work in the garage, go for walks, find something active.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    erinmc738 wrote: »
    I watch true crime shows and procedurals. Once you watch the entire series of Bones, NCIS, and a boatload of other shows dealing with gore, death, dismemberment, and autopsy... you lose the tendency to eat in front of the TV. However, I've become desensitized to the content so on occasion I will find myself having dinner while Ducky is doing an autopsy, Forensic Filesis talking about decomp or blood spatter patterns, or when Bones is having some putrid whatnot sent to the Jeffersonian for analysis.
    To keep myself from eating in front of the TV, though, I try to be doing something constructive with my hands. Working on my crochet project, doing my homework, or cleaning the house.

    This is me. I'm right now binge watching CSI, the Las Vegas one. The other day my husband stated that I'm so gross for watching it. But to be honest, it does not turn me off of food.

    OP try popcorn, tea, or just reading/answer forums on MFP. Hard to eat while typing. :)
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    I watch about 1 hour, maybe 2 on weekends, of Tv per day.
    I do like a cuppa. And a snack at same time - but, for me, I can fit the calories into my allowance so isnt a problem.

    I don't eat meals in front of TV, only finger food snacks.
    Well, occasionally finger food meals, like pizza.

    I don't have TV as background noise, only when I actually want to watch a program - so doing things like colouring in, ironing, excercising etc at same time is not for me. I can't do them and watch and concentrate on the screen at same time.

    I do remember my grandmother knitting and watching TV - but she was an expert knitter and could do rows and rows without looking.
  • descene
    descene Posts: 97 Member
    I just don't watch TV, lol. TV bores me, and I eat when I'm bored. I game instead. It's hard to eat while you're gaming when you have an expensive gaming keyboard you don't want to get crumbs on.
    But sure, occasionally I do go on a netflix binge. When that happens, I'll inevitably find something to do with my hands, like knitting or painting my nails.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    If you still want to watch TV, try this:

    Get up at each commercial break and do something ... load the dishwasher, put a load of clothing into the washer, vacuum a room, sweep the kitchen floor, fold some laundry, prepare for tomorrow, lift some weights, do some crunches or planks or whatever other core work you do ...

    This is what I used to do when I suffered with commercials. Now, thanks to Netflix and Amazon Prime, the only show I watch that still has commercials is The Walking Dead, and that only if I am not willing to wait a day to get it on AP.* And, we start it at 9, put it on pause for 15 minutes, and then fast forward through the commercials.

    *TWD is not free on Amazon Prime, but I get credits when I do No Rush Shipping and use them to pay for the episodes.

    We don't get all that here. We've got something like 10 channels ... and a limited quantity of interesting shows.

  • zheeduh
    zheeduh Posts: 25 Member
    I eat something really low on calories, like baby carrots or low-butter popcorn.
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    I do my nails. I also browse MFP on my phone.
    I do this too! Of course I have also been known to do my nails and eat so I guess it doesn't really work for me in that sense. Also I really just don't have the problem because I don't connect TV and eating - not that I don't eat with the TV on but I tend to read at the same time too (or do my nails :smile: )
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,151 Member
    I am done with dinner before watching TV and I eat desert about 1/2 hr later and that is it. I never associated watching TV with eating; I get busy watching my shows. I don't even get popcorn or drinks at the movie theater.

    OP brush your teeth after dinner and maybe drink some tea or chew gum.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    It's easier for me to watch without eating when I'm watching and using a cardio machine at the same time. But I'm usually using the cardio machine to burn some calories I just did eat or intend to eat next.

    I need it for my next drink. :)

    I don't think I'd enjoy the drink I earned with 30 minutes of walking around the house tonight. How much Jack for 135 calories?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    We eat dinner while watching the news, then half an hour later I'll eat dessert while watching another show. Then I go to bed and watch the rest of my shows in my bedroom, i dont eat in bed or get the munchies like i do when I'm sitting on the couch which is right next to the kitchen..
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    So don't waste time watching tv. Do something else.