Keto Meal Planning



  • dtibbits11
    dtibbits11 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys!

    Right now I am on a mainly Keto meal plan!
    Trying it for a couple weeks to reduce gut inflammation and trying to cut some BF
    Let me know if there is anyone else on here that does high fat high protein meal planning and what their thoughts on it are!
    My body has a tough time processing grains
    Anyway looking for new friends!


    I am in Ketosis as well. Love this way of eating! Seeing results quickly!!
  • dtibbits11
    dtibbits11 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you!!just joined!adding you too

    How does joining a group work?
  • c4ski
    c4ski Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm coming back to keto after a break and would love to keep in touch with likeminded Keri buddies for ideas and support! :)