Need help weight loss took a hit!!!!

plow54 Posts: 34 Member
edited February 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
So for the past month my girlfriend and I have been on a calorie count and walking weight loss diet. We both stay under our calories and walk but I walk more then her yet she has lost 9 pounds and me 3. Need motivation please. Or atleast answers


  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Everyone is different in terms of weight loss. Are you logging everything correctly? Meaning are you weighing your food and using correct entries (no homemade or generic)? It also depends on how much each individual has to lose? Typically healthy weight loss is 0.5-2 pounds per week. You have lost 3 pounds - CONGRATS! At least you are losing. Just keep going and don't give up.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    Make sure your logging is accurate and give it time. There are a lot of posts in the forums, including the very top posts at the beginning of this section (General Diet and Weight Loss Help) that are very helpful.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited February 2017
    Comparison is the thief of joy. The important thing here is that you are getting healthier together and not about who "wins", no? You are both having success. There will be a time when her loss stalls and she will need your support, just as she should be your support now.
    Also, depending on both of your starting weights and heights, if she has more to lose than you do, that may also explain why hers is coming off faster. The smaller you are, the slower the loss goes. That's just how it is. Your weight loss didn't "take a hit" if you're still losing. A food scale may help, too, if you aren't already using one.
    Be happy for her.. her success is not your failure.
  • Spartan_Gingi
    Spartan_Gingi Posts: 194 Member
    Long term, men seem to lose the weight faster. I'd be willing to bet that once her weight loss settles down, your weekly weigh ins will surpass hers. Just stick with it! :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Stop comparing. You'very lost 3 lbs slready, which is great. Keep on truckin'. Before you know it you'll be at goal.
  • amberbenton315
    amberbenton315 Posts: 3 Member
    Try Ketogenics!!! I've lost 14 lbs in 3 weeks and better than that I feel amazing!!
  • Can you open your diary?
  • plow54
    plow54 Posts: 34 Member
    Try Ketogenics!!! I've lost 14 lbs in 3 weeks and better than that I feel amazing!!

    I have not what is that?

  • plow54
    plow54 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks all for advice and your help