8mo pregnant and gallstones

Hey all!
So as the title states, I'm 8mo pregnant and i have gallstones.. enough that they have completed filled my gallbladder (and I've been getting attacks). We're trying to keep the inflammation down so that I can avoid needing surgery until after the baby is here. I'm currently trying to "maintain" just because I'm pregnant... normally I would be in need to lose mode because I am slightly overweight. That being said, I've actually managed to stay under my pre-pregnancy weight (lost about 10lbs in my first trimester), so I've done really well with keeping my weight at a good place. I am concerned about losing weight now though because I now have to be on a very strict low fat diet and my taste buds/pregnancy stomach is not interested in vegetables or pretty much anything but chocolate milkshakes (which is out of the question). I've basically been surviving on soup and fat free fig newtons. I just restarted this app so I could get an idea of how many calories I'm eating, and today (which was a good day in terms of how much food I was able to get down) ive eaten about 1200 cals..

So after all this rambling and nonsense, does anyone have food/meal ideas that are low fat? I've literally never eaten a low fat diet before, so I'm lost...


  • 30kgin2017
    30kgin2017 Posts: 228 Member
    I has gallstones while preg but wasnt diagnosed till afterwards. But its hereditary in my family so my sister managed to get diagnosed while still preg after recognising the symptoms from my preg. She had to follow low fat too so low fat dairy, very little red meat. Mainly fish (white) and chicken. Lots and lots of salad. She had to do about 12 weeks of this so you are relativity lucky that you dont have too much longer to go. Some people are sensitive to spices as well. For me mince meat even the heart smart stuff was guaranteed an attack. What about baked beans? Try milkshake with low fat milk and low fat icecream or a fruit smoothie.

    Despite the rabbit food diet for 12 weeks my sisters baby was above avg weight (her first had been tiny even though she'd not had any issues while preg with him). We were surprised but it goes to show that baby will take what they need from your body.

    Tip- dont over do it after surgery. My baby was only 10wks old when I had surgery and with a toddler at home as well it was hard not to do too much. Ended up back in hosp with massive pains. My surgeon was great, they used light sedatives for surgery and also gave me a script to boost milk supply while recovering. I only spent 2 days in hosp due to baby's age.

    Good luck.