On mfp for two weeks and it's not working - please help!

Hiya lovely virtual community. :smile:

I've been logging with mfp for two weeks now and the logging accurately posts have been a real eye opener.

Still, I am having trouble losing weight for several reasons I am hoping you can help me with.
First of all, I'm having difficulties staying within my calorie allowance. mfp calculated 1500 kcal/day to lose 0.5 kg a week.

Today I calculated my basal metabolic rate myself using the Harris-Benedict formula. It came up with 1709 kcal/day.
My first thought was: Well, if I'm eating below that no wonder I'm always hungry!
But then again: Shouldn't I have lost weight already if that were true? (I have been logging correctly for over a week)

Because my total metabolic rate is 2393 kcal/day (my calc), so if I eat 1500 I should have lost something in the vicinity of 1.5 kg by now...

So, I guess my questions are: did mfp calculate my metabolic rate SO badly? am I allowed to eat less than my basal rate? What do I do now?

I'd like to find a solution based on diet, I know sports is also important! :smile:

If anyone has an idea, I'd be super grateful to hear it, as I am losing faith a little at the moment.

Thanks and enjoy your day!


  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Another point to keep in mind is that weight loss is not linear:

    2 weeks really is not a long enough time to know whether 'it's working' or not. If in another 2 weeks you're still stuck, then go over your logging. Make sure you pick appropriate data base entries and that your quantities are spot on.

    It's also useful to use a second set of metrics than the scale (tape measurements and progress pictures).

    Above all, be patient and persistent. If you're doing everything right, then the weight will eventually come off.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Patience young grasshopper. Lol. But it's true, you need to give it more time. Some people experience a big whoosh of lost weight in the first couple weeks (almost all water weight btw). Some people see absolutely no change or even a slight uptick in the first few weeks, and then the downward trend starts.

    In addition, if you have recently added a new workout regimen as part of your weight loss strategy this can also mask a loss for a little bit, as your body will retain a little extra water as it adjusts to and repairs your muscles from the new exercise.

    So, long story short, if you truly feel confident about how you're logging - making sure you are weighing all solids, carefully choosing accurate entries from the database, etc. - which it seems like you are aware of based on your comment about the eye opening posts, then you really do just need to give it some more time. I'd say a solid 4-6 weeks.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    What makes you think you shouldn't eat below your BMR? There's nothing special about BMR. It's just calories. Your body is going to get the calories it needs from the food you eat or it is going to get it from stored carbs and fat. If you are always replacing the calories you burn then you will never need to use fat.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you're confusing kg and pounds in your post.... given the numbers you should be losing around 1.5lbs, not 1.5kg.

    you say you have logged for a week... did you gain all the weight ina week?

    weight loss isn't linear. stick with it for 4-6 weeks logging consistently, and if you're not losing, then look at your numbers again.