One of the sad realities of being obese



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,667 Member
    I'm confused on your point?

    It's sad, yes. For some, it's just the wake up call that we need, I know that it was for me.
    For others, nothing will be done...
    That possibly somebody with a significant amount of weight to lose here may be struggling and wanting to give up, might read this for inspiration.
    Like diets, there are people that will come here and not do well because of lack of consistency or lack of motivation. If it helps just one, then the post is worth is.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • gzus7freek
    gzus7freek Posts: 494 Member
    That very same thing happened to me at Kings Dominion. After I got off the coaster I spent the next 3 hours roaming the park crying. I was 400 pounds at the time and was extremely embarrassed at the fact the ride attendant looked me in the eye and said get off you don't fit. I was unable to ride any of the coasters and after I finished my own pity party all I could do was walk with my kids and watch them have fun and have my younger son ask me at each and every ride if I thought I could fit into this one. It was a massive wake up call for me and I am very excited to go back next summer when I know I will fit.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    That just made me really sad.

    I went to go buy a lifting belt today and the XLs didn't fit. They didn't have bigger ones. :grumble:

    and this is another very sad fact - a lot of the STUFF that you will need as you start getting serious about losing weight, has a weight limit, or is not available plus size. that's why there are so many threads of women asking who got a good sports bra where.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Last summer I barely fit in the roller coaster harness. That was one of my motivators for losing weight. That, and wanting to be able to sit in a chair without spilling over the sides.

    TOTALLY agree with you...these are some of my NSV...knowing I'll fit next time I go to an amusement park (I've always fit but it was tight and uncomfy 40 lb ago) and how happy I feel when I can put my arms down at my sides *inside* the arm of any chair when seated.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Think having children is one of the most inspirational things you can do. Keeps you in check to some degree because you have to set a great example for them and keep in shape to keep up with them.

    Certainly since I have been on my new regime I have lots more energy and more likely to do physical activities for them.

    Hopefully when things like this happen it's a wake up call for all involved! :(

    I can certainly agree with that... While I haven't had the experience of being so overweight that I couldn't fit into anything... My little one is what keeps me going in being healthy... I want to be able to keep up with them even when they are 20.
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member
    But maybe if that is the moment that makes someone realise they have to do something for their own sake and the sake of their children - is that not a good thing? - it is a bitter, humiliating pill to swallow but has probably triggered a lot of success stories?

    Yep! Happened to me with my daughter. It was completely humiliating for me and devastating for her. Helped me realize how I was doing a disservice to myself and to her by choosing to remain so heavy. Still pulls my heartstrings when I think about it.
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member
    But maybe if that is the moment that makes someone realise they have to do something for their own sake and the sake of their children - is that not a good thing? - it is a bitter, humiliating pill to swallow but has probably triggered a lot of success stories?
    If that's the moment, then yes it's good. But I'm betting only about 1 out of 10 would actually follow through with doing anything about it.
    It's not just amusement park rides either. Riding on planes and public transportation has got to be uncomfortable for both parties. It's sad that it takes an event for some to realize how big they have really gotten.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Not trying to be all sensitive here, but how is it "sad that it takes an event to realize how big they have gotten"? Getting big usually happens over a long period of time, and frequently, when people look in the mirror, they don't see themselves accurately. I know when I look at old pictures of me that I always think: "I can't believe I let myself get that big!" When at the time, I didn't think I was "that big." So...yes it took not fitting into a rollercoaster (and a couple other things) to inspire me to lose > than 70 pounds and counting.

    It is "sad" perhaps that we allow ourselves to get so heavy. But I don't think it's "sad" that some humiliating event spurns us to focus on our health. I think it's pretty great, actually. Wonderful, in fact.
  • bdeezy3396
    bdeezy3396 Posts: 89 Member
    Same with skydiving - weight restrictions - and the one time I went to do it, I was way to heavy for the tandem diving. Getting ready to do it before summers end because I'm now way under the weight restrictions !!!!
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    Every time a "worst fat moment" thread is posted half the replies are about being too fat to ride a rollercoaster. I bet it's only a matter of time til a plus size theme park opens

    That will be a sad day for America; sadder than perhaps an obese father finding motivation to lose weight at a theme park.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    But maybe if that is the moment that makes someone realise they have to do something for their own sake and the sake of their children - is that not a good thing? - it is a bitter, humiliating pill to swallow but has probably triggered a lot of success stories?
    Me! *waves*

    Last summer my husband and I went to our annual fair. We were standing in line to get on the Ferris Wheel and when we got to the front,the carny looked all embarrassed and said we would have to wait until "more people our size came along to balance it out."
    I was near 300lbs at the time, ditto the hubby. So we stood there for about 10 minutes while all the skinny teens got on... waiting for more chubby folk to get in line..."to balance it out". I was humiliated and decided two things right there:. 1.Not getting on a ride that rickety anyway. 2. Not spending another summer fat.

    As someone who experienced an unbalanced ferris wheel when I was a child, I thank you for your patience.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Interestingly enough, I went to a theme park last summer and one of the newer coasters had a specific row for oversized people. Sign of the times I guess, I don't remember seeing anything like that growing up. Even stranger, I witnessed some quite large people AVOID that row and then act confused when they didn't fit into the regular seats. Which of course, holds up everyone. I guess it is really hard to realize how big you've gotten (I know I didn't when I was at my biggest, which is still boggling).
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Same with skydiving - weight restrictions - and the one time I went to do it, I was way to heavy for the tandem diving. Getting ready to do it before summers end because I'm now way under the weight restrictions !!!!

    That is what I am doing when I hit goal!! But I check this chit out before I ever even go. I guess that is what really fat people do. I don't go to theme parks. Oh hell no. If my daughter wants to go one day though, I will have to draw straws with her Dad and see who has to ride those monstrosities with her because even if we fit, both of us are big chickens.

    I do want to skydive though. :-)