Half way through day one and only 300 cal left.



  • jennifert40
    jennifert40 Posts: 10 Member
    The same thing kind of happened to me, at first. It was actually a huge wake up call for me. I really had to start watching portion size and calorie counts. What really works for me is that I try to look up foods in the database on here, or on my phone app BEFORE I eat a meal, that way I know what I'm going to be eating beforehand. I try very hard to plan my meals out- in my head at least- the day before or in the morning when I get up, that way I have it all worked out. I especially do this when I know I'll be going out to dinner with friends. It takes some of the confusion out of it. I look up popular chain restaurants on the database, that way I can have an idea what I can eat before I go. It works for me :)