Living with natural skinny's

Hello everyone. I live with natural skinny's who can eat any amount of anything and not gain weight.
Although not unsympathetic to my struggles to lose weight, they completely fail to grasp what its like to battle every day with temptation and the level of shame/self disgust I feel at being six and a half stone overweight.
I have always yo-yo dieted, lost and regained 2-5st many times. But now I am over 50 and on Levothyroxine for my underactive thyroid for the rest of my life and am at my wits end trying to do it on my own.
So I now have myfitnesspal and have made an appointment for an induction at a gym and to meet a personal trainer. I am hoping having someone take an interest in my progress will help me along.
No shortage of people facing the same or similar challenge on here.