How confident in the calorie goal? The scale won't budge!

How confident should I be in the calorie goal set here? I'm trying to lose weight, and the scale hasn't budged! Yes, I'm tracking everything. And yes, I am exercising, but come on...I'm heavy enough that calorie deficit should be good enough to make a different even with added muscle. Feeling so discouraged.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    The calorie target is just an estimate based on what you put in for your stats as well as activity level and is derived from population averages...for some it's pretty accurate, for others it's not. In many cases it's a matter of user error when inputting the many cases it's choosing erroneous entries from the database so the individual is logging X and they think they're eating X...but they're really eating Y because the entry is some cases it is a matter of incorrectly establishing and logging portions eaten. In many cases it's just about having unrealistic expectations and not giving it enough time.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    It seems that most people find the calorie goals set here pretty accurate, if everything has been set up correctly.
    What is your height and weight? How many calories does MFP give you? How long have you been eating at that level? How much change are you "expecting" to see? How long has it been between your last 2 weigh ins? Do you eat back exercise calories?
    As you see, there are LOTS of variables and we don't know anything about your situation, except that you feel discouraged.
    You need to allow several weeks before expecting to see changes -- some see changes right away, others take awhile.
    The most likely cause is inaccurate weighing and logging. Weigh everything to the gram on a digital food scale and log EVERYTHING you eat.
    Most calorie burns from exercise are overstated and most people suggest you eat back only about half of those calories.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    You've been on here 9 days. You didn't gain weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight. Give yourself a week or two more and if you're still not losing, and are weighing and logging accurately, cut some calories. I plateaued for 3 weeks recently, and while I was glad I didn't gain any weight, I thought I should have lost some.

    I changed the food scale from ounces to grams and cut my exercise calories from eating back all of them to eating back 1/3rd of them. The scale started moving in a few days. It was about 100 calories less, and more accurate calorie counting as well. My calories are 1200 and I'm short, older, and don't need to lose a lot (about 20 pounds).
  • Sexynhealthy4v
    Sexynhealthy4v Posts: 7 Member
    Make sure u measure ur body the scale may not reflect pounds but u may have lost inches..also take pictures..u can see the changes better especially if not reflected by the scale
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    If you started exercising at the same time you may have muscle repair water retention. Give it sometime and don't forget to drink up.