Low carb/carb cycling

So I follow a low carb way of eating..but if I have one carb night per week is that good to re-set myself and will it lead to weight gain? I work out everyday for about an hr and do weights and two days hiit.


  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    You may see a slight increase on the scale due to replenishing glycogen stores (the whole point of carb cycling) but it's not fat. It will come down again.
  • rollerjog
    rollerjog Posts: 154 Member
    how low of carbs are you taking in, most of the people i know that have been on low carbs and carb cycling are getting ready for show, if your taking in really low carbs thats a lot of work your putting in for so little carbs, so how much carbs are you taking on the 1 carb nite