Hello! Starting over for the umpteenth time. For real this time!

At the beginning of February I stepped on the scale and I was my highest weight I've ever been...215lbs. After letting myself go the past few years and generally feeling like crap more than half the time, I motivated myself to sign back up at my local Crunch and get my butt back into shape. Or at least at a level of fitness that surpasses couch potato.

I reopened my account, updated my weight, and have been silently using it without any friends for a couple weeks...But I want that to change. I've lost about 4 pounds so far which is so much motivation within itself but I remember long ago having a great group of people on here that I enjoyed talking to not only about weight loss but just life in general. I'd like to have that again. So I welcome any and all people looking for more friends for support systems and just to be social!
