Just joined

Hi all,

I am Yuksel!

Just joined :) my first time being on a fitness, calories, health app as I have always been a sports person and did not need to use any. I love food and have a very good appetite but have managed to out exercise my food till now.

Since gym was getting crazy busy and expensive, I have decided to quit gym in September. Bad weather, family issues added up so I haven't done any sports for the last 5 months.

My belt line getting bigger I have decided to take this radical step, watch out my intake more and do some sports again. No problem watching the intake but sports bit is a struggle, I despise running and prefer team sports. Not everyone is around to do sports, so trying to buy some cheap equipment to do weighted exercises and training at home.

I have a TRX set but can't use indoors so I end up injuring myself more and I blame the weather not to go out.

Any friends going through the same journey or tips to work out home etc is appreciated :)