Need to eat more?

brandield1 Posts: 5
edited January 30 in Food and Nutrition
I've never had a big appetite and am currently on medications that could be suppressing it further. My trainer wants me to eat at least 6 times a day, but I don't see that happening with my schedule and lack of hunger. 5 meals works better, but I still struggle to reach 1200 calories and the 60g protein my trainer recommends without resorting to junk food. How can I push past these issues and get the nutritious calories I need without feeling as though I've stuffed myself? And how can I get my protein without eating tons of meat or always drinking protein shakes?

I do like meat, but also have limits on how much I can eat in the day, or even the week, before it starts to look unappetizing.

I've tried some vegetarian sources like tempeh and tofu, but I don't care for the taste of most and find that many protein-rich veggie sources are expensive after determining how much I have to eat in order to reach my goals...especially when family members mistake my meals for leftovers and eat them for a late dinner. >_<

Milk is also not ideal, unless there is a kind that doesn't promote mucous production...I already have sinus/ear troubles with the meds and seem to do better if I stay away from milk.

I don't mind some of the flavored protein powders, but the prices always cause me to blanche. I did buy an inexpensive pea protein powder, but need to find ways to incorporate it into my diet because it's extremely disgusting and gives my fruit and oatmeal shakes a vague medicine taste despite being "unflavored".
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