175 days no scale... Drs on Feb 22nd should I get weighed.



  • HeyJude007
    HeyJude007 Posts: 69 Member
    I am looking at buying a scale.. I guess I have been an ostritch with her head in the sand. I have to wake up lift up that 50 lb of winter salt, dogfood bags, even lift those 3Lb weights down in my grandsons room. Goodluck to all of you too.
  • Pooshka2
    Pooshka2 Posts: 208 Member
    Is there a grief counseling or support group available in your area? When my husband passed seven years ago, I found one through our local mortuary. If you belong to a church, the staff might be able to refer you to one.

    My thoughts are with you over the loss of your sister.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    My daughter recovered from an ED. She never looks.
  • fubarfornow
    fubarfornow Posts: 40 Member
    So, so sorry for what you're going through. Good thoughts and wishes. If you want a good scale, you should get one, but if you're happier just living your life and the scale is too much pressure, don't feel like you *have* to do it. Obviously you've been doing fine without one.