carbs, real fruit versus breads, pasta, etc

What's the difference between carbs from fruit versus beads and pasta. Do those carbs hurt you if you're watching your carb intake?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Sugar vs starch. Hurt you? It's food. Too much (or too little) food can make your stomach hurt. If you're just aiming for weight loss (and health gain) and not under doctor's order, just hit you calorie goal. If you also hit your protein and fat goals, you can ignore carbs.
  • geneticsteacher
    geneticsteacher Posts: 623 Member
    Whether from fruit, bread, or pasta all carbs are broken down into simple sugars (monosaccharides) by your digestive system.
  • nomorepuke
    nomorepuke Posts: 320 Member
    If you are healthy and have no stomach issues, I don't think any carbs will hurt you. Some people can't tolerate certain foods because of their illness or allergies etc...I have starchy carb intolerance. I test unfamiliar foods with iodine to see if it contains starchy carbs. If I do eat starch, I will be in pain or brought to the ER.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I find carbs from refined and highly processed source tend to have fewer natural nutrients and benefits than fruit and veggies, and they tend to lead to me overeating more. They also tend to affect my blood glucose more.

    They are worse for my health and my weight loss. But that's me.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I eat bread almost every day. It has had zero effect on my weight loss. I do make sure to pare it with a protein and a fat as this helps keep me satiated. I also use lower calorie breads like killer daves, bagel and sandwich thins.

    I love potatoes as well and have them at least once a week. I'm not a big pasta fan so I don't eat it much.

    The thing is I had to kinda figure out how certain foods effect me. I'm not cutting out stuff I like but I had to figure out how and sometime when to eat them. Some often others less frequently and even others along with a protein.

    Having said that I also eat veggies. My salads are hardly low calorie as I make them in a mixing bowl and add a lot of proteins, cheese, croutons, avocado etc.

    To me to be successful it has to be sustainable.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Not sure i would classify breads and pasta as something that will hurt you, but when it comes to unprocessed plant food, like raw fruits, you get something more than calories. The nutrition, fiber and water content make fruit better overall. Fiber, water and micro-nutrients play a roll in satiety.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Eatinng Too much carbs hurt because I have gi issues. However, I also have reactions with gluten and grains, so I stick with low to moderate vegetables and fruits. I need some protein and fat with my carbs to feel satieted.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Do you have a medical condition? If not then carbs do not hurt you. You do not need to eat low carb to lose weight- just have a calorie deficit.
    Some carbs are higher calorie, lower fiber, more sodium, more sugar and different amounts of nutrients. That doesn't mean they "hurt" you but you might want to make a different choice if that doesn't fit your goals.
    If you are doing a lower carb diet you probably want more vegetables and fruits rather than bread and pasta.
    Look at labels or nutritional information for foods you like to eat.
    Prelog foods in your diary to make sure you are meeting your goals.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    The effect on blood glucose and insulin is lower from intact cellular foods like fruit & veg when compared to pulverised, juiced or otherwise processed equivalents. Only you can decide if those things will be beneficial.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Pasta is an indulgence for me, namely because it's pretty calorie pasta is generally reserved for a nice date with my wife or something. I do enjoy a nice sourdough, usually with a soup or stew. Neither of this things are inherently harmful to you outside of certain medical conditions.

    Fruit is going to come with more micro-nutrients than bread or pasta will.

    I eat quite a few carbs...mostly from legumes, lentils, potatoes and other root vegetables, etc. Like I said, pasta is usually an "occasion" kind of thing because I'm not one to have some tiny portion of pasta.