Cravings and Roommates Who Only Buy Junk Food

Oh my gosh!
I love my roommates, they are wonderful people. They help me out whenever I need it and I help them. But they eat a LOT of junk food. They are on foodstamps and are constantly bringing donuts, cookies, cakes, just all of this junk food. Which I really don't care about, it's the fact that I have very little self control that I hate!

They say "Here, have a cookie" or "Feel free to eat whatever you want" and I drool. I've been semi-good for the most part, but it's so hard. I've told them my hopes for weight loss, and they kind of just laugh it off in a "Yeah, sure. You go do that" way and it bugs me. I've asked them to hide the sugary snacks in their rooms and I cleaned out a drawer in the fridge for them to put their stuff in hoping that not seeing the stuff all the time will keep me from constantly craving it, But they don't follow through with it :/

I love them to death, and what they eat is their choice. I have no problems with that- but is their a way to cut back the sugar craving so I'm less likely to indulge?

I cracked today and ate caramel corn- which isn't absolutely terrible, but I had to pretty much force myself to keep from eating anything else....


  • sweetlyybroken
    sweetlyybroken Posts: 209 Member
    Well. I'm sure you've heard this but drink ALOT of water. For me, when I'm craving sugar, eating fruit usually works. Sometimes I eat too much. But it's better than the candy or dessert I figure. That's if I really just neeed sugar haha.