alli diet pills

so....anyone on here use them? imma gonna start using them. do they work? i know the side effects are gross but are they that bad? please let me know.


  • triff14
    triff14 Posts: 129 Member
    Mayo Clinic says:
    "Alli can help you lose weight, but the weight loss will likely be modest — perhaps just a few pounds more than you would lose with diet and exercise alone.

    The average weight loss for prescription-strength Xenical is about 5 to 7 pounds (about 2 to 3 kilograms) greater than diet and exercise alone after one year. (2, 4) The lower dose Alli could conceivably result in a loss of 3 to 5 pounds (about 1 to 2 kilograms) a year in addition to the weight loss you could expect from diet and exercise alone."

    Edit: Just to clarify, it also says "Alli is meant to be used in conjunction with a low-calorie, low-fat diet and regular exercise."


    "According to the manufacturer, most weight loss occurs within the first six months. Many people who take medications to lose weight regain the weight they lost when they stop taking the medication. Therefore, to keep the weight off, many people continue taking medications indefinitely along with eating a low-calorie diet and exercising regularly."
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I remember a few friends in high school trying them. One of my closer friends she said she had orange poop and that it was all liquidy. I guess it's a common side effect that they call the alli oops. I wouldn't do it. I would just restrict my fat and calories the old fashioned way. Diet and exercise.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    okay. Both my sister and I have used them... and stopped due to some rather.... unsavory "side effects". They were more than I could deal with. It made me VERY self-conscious due to odor that you CANNOT control no matter how you try. :noway: NOT my idea of a good time :sad:
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Mayo Clinic says:
    "Alli can help you lose weight, but the weight loss will likely be modest — perhaps just a few pounds more than you would lose with diet and exercise alone.

    The average weight loss for prescription-strength Xenical is about 5 to 7 pounds (about 2 to 3 kilograms) greater than diet and exercise alone after one year. (2, 4) The lower dose Alli could conceivably result in a loss of 3 to 5 pounds (about 1 to 2 kilograms) a year in addition to the weight loss you could expect from diet and exercise alone."

    Edit: Just to clarify, it also says "Alli is meant to be used in conjunction with a low-calorie, low-fat diet and regular exercise."


    "According to the manufacturer, most weight loss occurs within the first six months. Many people who take medications to lose weight regain the weight they lost when they stop taking the medication. Therefore, to keep the weight off, many people continue taking medications indefinitely along with eating a low-calorie diet and exercising regularly."

    ^^^ if you think you can take Alli for the rest of your life then have at it! Just a warning..I've heard people report, ah, "leakage" if they don't eat low fat on this medication.

    the old fashioned way def sounds like a much more pleasant alternative..
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    Alli is the one that makes you get greasy diarrhea because it makes excess fat pass right through you, right?
    Google it. The descriptions are terrifying. Some people talk about wearing adult diapers while taking it.

    I'm a scorpio, so I'm 100% in favor of doing any crazy thing to achieve my goals. If I could afford to remake my entire body into my ideal via surgery tomorrow I probably would, but having chronic disgusting oily stools really doesn't line up with the lifestyle I want to lead. Like at all.
  • tishglorioso
    tishglorioso Posts: 11 Member
    welp screw that i guess lol i wanted 2 try m cus i thought that it was cool how it stopped grease from turnin into fat but hell with all u sayin no i think ill just stick 2 diet and exercise lol besides i dont eat to much fat anyways sugar is my weakness lol
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I think after about a week or so you will wish you spent that money on a new pair of shoes or a mani/pedi. For only losing an extra 5 - 7 pounds a YEAR all the while dealing with anal seepage. I would pass.
  • minijuggernaut
    minijuggernaut Posts: 98 Member
    Alli is kind of a funny thing, I think the key lies in the pill essentially training you not to eat high fat foods - because you'll just wind up having one hell of a bad day leaking fat from your nether regions.

    However...high fat foods aren't necessarily bad for you (anecdotally, I eat upwards of 120g of fat daily) so you might be doing yourself an even bigger disservice by trying to follow a very low fat diet.

    I would say nay on the pills, what else have you tried?
  • tishglorioso
    tishglorioso Posts: 11 Member
    havent tried anything i just eat healthy my friend just wanted me 2 try them with her
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    Alli is the one that makes you get greasy diarrhea because it makes excess fat pass right through you, right?
    Google it. The descriptions are terrifying. Some people talk about wearing adult diapers while taking it.

    I'm a scorpio, so I'm 100% in favor of doing any crazy thing to achieve my goals. If I could afford to remake my entire body into my ideal via surgery tomorrow I probably would, but having chronic disgusting oily stools really doesn't line up with the lifestyle I want to lead. Like at all.

    You're second paragraph made me laugh out loud! That is all.....
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    Don't do it , unless you want a leaky behind.

    Is like you are leaking orange grease from your butt , it makes for a lot of embarrassing moments and you will lose a lot of underwear. Don't event think about eating anything with fat in public , because you wont make it.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I'll admit - I used them. Yes, past tense. It was 2 years ago when I first started weight loss. I figured...why not? Yes, it turns poop orange. Didn't seem so bad. Then a few weeks into it, I was getting ready for work, getting dressed, and had taken my underwear off. As I stood there putting a bra & shirt on, I felt something weird on my leg. I reached down & touched my calf & was HORRIFIED to find liquid poop on my hand. It was coming out my butt & streaming down my leg & I didn't even know it. :huh: I threw the pills out that morning.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    You are required to limit your fat intake to 45 grams per day (15 per meal at 3 meals per day) and even that is no guarantee that you will avoid the oily squirts.

    It prevents the absorption of approximately 25% of the fat you consume, so that would be 11.25 grams assuming perfect use/effectiveness. At 9 calories per gram of fat, that is just slightly more than 100 calories per day. That equates to 0.2 pounds per week, assuming absolutely best case scenario.

    So, you are paying out the butt for the privilege of having to tell your boss that you need to go home because you just shat your pants, all for a measly 0.2 pounds per week of weight loss. That's just 5.2 pounds over 6 months.

    Excuse the pun, but, um, "I'll pass." :noway:

    Slow and steady wins the race. And you don't have to drop out of the race to go and change your armor.
  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    Short and (not so) sweet...

    If you eat pizzalike foods the discharge will be orange. If you eat olive oil based foods you discharge will be green.

    The discharge is pure oil... Oil and toilet water DON'T mix and oil floats. It DOES smell. The smell lingers and is hard to get rid of. It DOES stick to the sides of the toilet and is aggressively hard to get rid of.

    You have NO control of when you're going to need to go. Invest in cheap underwear due to accidents (nothing worse than being stuck in traffic and feel it start to leak out with no restroom in sight). Invest in babywipes because toilet paper alone will not get rid of the oily residue in between your buttocks cheeks.

    That's just what popped into my head (and it's been 15+ years since I took it (when it was still only available via perscription)).
  • tishglorioso
    tishglorioso Posts: 11 Member
    all this stuffs making me completely grossed out screw that id rather loose weight my own way
  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    Mayo Clinic says:
    "Alli can help you lose weight, but the weight loss will likely be modest — perhaps just a few pounds more than you would lose with diet and exercise alone.

    The average weight loss for prescription-strength Xenical is about 5 to 7 pounds (about 2 to 3 kilograms) greater than diet and exercise alone after one year. (2, 4) The lower dose Alli could conceivably result in a loss of 3 to 5 pounds (about 1 to 2 kilograms) a year in addition to the weight loss you could expect from diet and exercise alone."

    Edit: Just to clarify, it also says "Alli is meant to be used in conjunction with a low-calorie, low-fat diet and regular exercise."


    "According to the manufacturer, most weight loss occurs within the first six months. Many people who take medications to lose weight regain the weight they lost when they stop taking the medication. Therefore, to keep the weight off, many people continue taking medications indefinitely along with eating a low-calorie diet and exercising regularly."

    ^^^ if you think you can take Alli for the rest of your life then have at it! Just a warning..I've heard people report, ah, "leakage" if they don't eat low fat on this medication.

    the old fashioned way def sounds like a much more pleasant alternative..

    ^^This. And if you're going to eat low fat to reduce the side effects then you're wasting your money because this is their sole purpose.
  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    all this stuffs making me completely grossed out screw that id rather loose weight my own way

    Glad that I could help change your (and hopefully others) mind(s). It was worth the little bit of embarrassment.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Short and (not so) sweet...

    If you eat pizzalike foods the discharge will be orange. If you eat olive oil based foods you discharge will be green.

    The discharge is pure oil... Oil and toilet water DON'T mix and oil floats. It DOES smell. The smell lingers and is hard to get rid of. It DOES stick to the sides of the toilet and is aggressively hard to get rid of.

    You have NO control of when you're going to need to go. Invest in cheap underwear due to accidents (nothing worse than being stuck in traffic and feel it start to leak out with no restroom in sight). Invest in babywipes because toilet paper alone will not get rid of the oily residue in between your buttocks cheeks.

    That's just what popped into my head (and it's been 15+ years since I took it (when it was still only available via perscription)).

    How this stuff sells enough product to keep the lights on in their manufacturing plant is baffling to me...

    And an unexpected side effect of reading this thread is a headache from trying to decipher some of the posts. (Not the one I quoted though...that one is remarkably readable and crystal clear in its message. *shudder* )
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    Even IF they had no side effects, and you wouldn't have weight gained back after stopping taking them... how exactly does "fat" leaving the body help with losing weight? Fat doesn't make you fat, excess calories does.... Fat is an essential part of a healthy diet...

    It sounds like the manufacturers are playing on the old myth of fat making you fat... which is really sad :(