Determination and ability......not always on the same page

So i have been doing a regular excersize regime for the last few weeks, and using tips and suggestions from my physio, ive pushed hard.

Perhaps a little too hard! Sometimes your desires, and your determination can be the undoing of your hard work.
With the Muscle Necrosis in my quads on the right leg, ive been working that hard to try and build up the remaining muscle tissue to kind of take over and adapt.
So the high point at the weeks end was that i had managed to swim FOUR lengths of the pool, (albeit a 15mtr pool, so not a great distance) and i was seriously impressed.
The downside is that the ACL in my right knee has become semi detached and today was spent in the orthapedic center (where im sure ill soon be getting my own parking space!) being berated by the surgeon for overdoing it!
You just cant please some people!


  • christys03
    christys03 Posts: 22,785 Member
    Sorry you are having such a hard time....hang in there....good things are around the bend....promise!