Trying something new

Motivation is hard to come back because it goes hand in hand with determination. I don't I've had in a really long time. So recently I had a break through where I said enough is enough. I went to Dunkin Donuts for a small coffee and end up leaving with a medium coffee, donut and bagel twist. After eating it I got so upset at myself. It hit that fulfilling the want and need to eat something you see is worst than not eating it at all. I won't do it to myself anymore. I don't care what it is I will not eat it and bear the regret later on. It's not worth it. So now I did a huge food shopping buying lots of healthy options and I feel good about it! Also going to be starting the beach body workout which is 2 months of a complete workout plan. I will not see another summer where I'm staring at all my cute clothes that I can't fit into!

If anyone has any advice, words of motivation to help me keep this positive outlook and keep going, I'd love to hear them! Let's be friends. Let's motivate eachother and go through this neverevnding journey together!


  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    I know for me personally, it's all about consistency. I've been on MFP for a few years now and I've been somewhat successful in losing weight. But I only seem to lose the weight when I'm consistently tracking and exercising. I need to string together 4 to 6 days a week where I come in under or at my calories limit and get 3 days a week of 20+ minutes exercise.

    I think weight loss and fitness is a lot like an airplane traveling from one point to another on a long cross-country trip. That airplane goes off course (to avoid bad weather, other aircraft, etc.) during various parts of the trip and the pilots are constantly self-monitoring and self-correcting. For me, It's kind of the same thing; one-day-at-a-time of self-monitoring and self-correcting and over time, you get to your destination.
  • Kevindagul
    Kevindagul Posts: 19 Member
    The other night I got off an exhausting 16 hour work shift, and thought I deserved a McDonalds breakfast. I put it into my diary and I instantly regretted it.

    All we can do is, move on, stay up, and remember those goals we've set for ourselves.

    Good luck!
  • bunnye20
    bunnye20 Posts: 22 Member
    I agree @Kevindagul it's all a mind thing! Thanks!
  • Bluwaves1
    Bluwaves1 Posts: 191 Member
    I take it one day at a time. I know if I really need to change up if I don't consistently lose weight week by week. One thing that helps me is I gave up bread, so no sandwiches, no donuts, pastries etc. that works. I even have been on vacation at an all-inclusive and did not gain weight!! So if I was you I would skip going to DD or other fast food places. maybe make your own coffee? I gave up the daily routine of stopping for coffee too, I make it at work.

    Sounds like you have a good plan and plenty of time!