Help with workout routine.

I'm trying to vary mine up a little since it's mainly cardio (because I'm trying to burn fat) and lose these inches and this ridiculous muffin top/gut.

Monday: I go to the gym for an hour and do mainly cardio (arc trainer, elliptical, stationary bike) and some arm/chest machines

Tuesday: I go for an early morning walk down the street for 30/40 minutes since I work too late on Tuesdays. Changes things up a bit for me.

Wednesday: Kind of my "rest" day. I go to Hatha Yoga at 7:30PM. Not really a work out, but the stretching is unbelievably relaxing and calming, especially after spending all day with preschoolers!

Thursday: My quickie gym day! I swing by for a half hour (trying to stay longer on this day) to squeeze in some more cardio.

Friday: SOMETIMES I'll try to make it to Zumba, but usually have weekend plans and I'm generally excited to be out of work so I go home to hang out!

Saturday: For some reason, I hit the gym the hardest on Saturdays. An hour of straight cardio.. half hour on arc, half hour on elliptical. I burn my most calories on Saturdays, which I guess is good since I eat more on the weekends.

What else should I be doing?! I know I need to add more weights, but I'm mainly focused on shrinking myself right now, then incorporating toning!


  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    how is your diet? sounds like your workouts are about where they need to be.
  • littlesprite11
    littlesprite11 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey! If your looking to slim done but tone up too you could try the Les Mills Combat and Pump. That's what I am doing right now. The combat is awesome cardio and the Pump is weights that will tone you up. I found it easier to use DVDs because there was a schedule and goal that I could do on my time. Also remember 80%diet..20% exercise. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • RyanDecheney
    To make things really simple:

    1. Mix up your cardio with 3 days of high intensity and 3 days of low intensity. For high intensity I strongly encourage you to look into HIIT workouts on the treadmill and for low intensity dont let your heart rate go above the low intensity zone.

    2. ADD WEIGHT TRAINING! this is key. The more lean muscle you build the more your metabolism boosts which in return you burn more calories throughout the day, especially when your resting.
  • BSdevon
    BSdevon Posts: 77
    Any cardio, any resistance training program will work, but what works for you is finding a program that you can maintain realistically and fit into your lifestlye. Most people will workout 3-6 weeks and expect to see a change.. Fast results do not happen.. a month 2 month wont magically turn your body into the ideal figure you have in your mind - but you will see small results.. Woking out doesnt undo years and years of bad routines, bad habits and poor food choices.. its takes time, determination and will power. To lose weight, you have to be on a deficit calorie intake. And the food you eat to fit your macros have to be qood quality whole foods and w/o going crazy fit in a something normal as long as it fits macros.