Getting back on track after a bad day



  • charleyquinn5
    We all have these crappy food days because of situational, emotional or just plain "I want to taste that" reasons. The point is to take them, realize that yeah they happen once in a while but that you are going to control the rest and stay on track. Don't beat yourself up over it because that's when the self sabotage begins.
  • walkwallfall
    walkwallfall Posts: 18 Member
    Just keep swimming. Seriously. You will feel even worse if you don't allow yourself to live to your full potential.
  • lswatson111304
    lswatson111304 Posts: 80 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! Tomorrow WILL be better!! And honestly, I know I need to reassess my calorie goals but I'm so scared of messing them up and eating too much! NO matter how many times I enter my info into different calculators and it says to eat more, I still freak out!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I spent the day with friends, drank a couple of margaritas and ate homemade Mexican food, plus a decadent dessert. I got home, logged my food and was almost 500 calories over for the day (I was still in a deficit for the week though). I went out and took a run and burnt all but 50 calories of it. It really is a matter of "just do it." Either right away or tomorrow, or over the course of a week, burn some extra calories to make up for whatever you ate. If you decide not to burn them, then just get back on track right away and you'll be fine too. The bottom line is don't dwell on it and don't give up because of it!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! Tomorrow WILL be better!! And honestly, I know I need to reassess my calorie goals but I'm so scared of messing them up and eating too much! NO matter how many times I enter my info into different calculators and it says to eat more, I still freak out!

    I eat 1700-1800 calories a day and I'm still losing!
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    IF you have a bad day...sayyyy like the day I had today. How do you get back on track, because I feel the old "i don't care" coming out. :(

    Bad days are only BAD if you continue to let them bother you. We all make mistakes. Heck, I know I made mistakes this weekend and you know what? Tomorrow is a fantastic, brand new day! Time to dust yourself off and get back on track. Do not let what you did weigh you down. Keep moving forward.

    You can do it =) Have faith in yourself, and make it happen.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Thank you so much everyone! Tomorrow WILL be better!! And honestly, I know I need to reassess my calorie goals but I'm so scared of messing them up and eating too much! NO matter how many times I enter my info into different calculators and it says to eat more, I still freak out!

    Just gotta pull yourself out of this mentality.

    Give it a chance. If in 6 weeks you see absolutely no positive changes, re-assess.
  • kf5ljp
    kf5ljp Posts: 31
    you have an unrealistic goal for calories,,,I need to lose in a hurry as well but that low of calorie intake is way too low