Training Meal Plan/Times

Hi guys,

I'm a senior in college who was recently offered a conditional job offer with a major airline, and I start training at the end of March. As long as I successfully complete both stages of my training, yall may see me in the air as soon as May! I am very excited to begin, but calories and meal times are bothering me. I've gone from 260 to 190 as a student, with a very low activity level and eating 1200 calories a day. I fell on/off the wagon for two years, because I like the way I look, but now, I want to look even better and lose my last 50 pounds.

I am 5'4" and right now I do cardio for an hour and strength train for 30/40 minutes everyday. I have adjusted my sleep schedule to mimic the training schedule. I am up at 6:30am everyday, nanny a 13 month old for 6 hours, then come home and workout. I am in bed by midnight and sleeping by 1am. Training will be slightly similar, with a 5:30am-6:00am wakeup time, 10/11 hours in class, the same workout schedule (they put us up in a nice hotel, with an awesome gym), and then studying for about 4 hours a day so in bed by midnight-1am. In order to stay in training, I have to pass every test with a 85% or better and there's a test every single day (including the day I arrive), so I have to study, and working out relieves stress so I want to keep my workout schedule.

My issue comes with the timing of meals, and the amount of calories I should eat. The hotel supplies breakfast, we get a 30-60 minute lunch break (that I'll supply) and we can eat snacks during class, and the hotel supplies dinner but I was told we'll probably miss it. I'll be living in a suite with a full kitchen (Stove, oven, full fridge) so I don't mind cooking my meals. I initially lost weight by eating 1200 calories a day, never going over, and being sedentary, which was fine since I was a student. Now, I try to eat 1400-1500 calories a day, I burn about 400-500 calories with cardio alone (I dont even try to estimate calories burned for strength training), and I don't eat my exercise calories back. I'm also a vegetarian. I'll have my whey protein powder and unsweetened almond milk with me. Any suggestions?

TLDR; I'm a future flight attendant going to training. I'll be out of bed for around 18-19 hours a day, in class for 10/11 of those hours, working out for 1.5 hours, and studying for 4-5 hours. I need suggestions for calories I should eat and meal planning. I'm a vegetarian that will occasionally eat shrimp. I'll have to prepare my own lunch and dinner. Any suggestions?


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Put your stats into mfp and see how many cals it gives you. Timing of meals does not directly affect weight loss, but it can affect your hunger/satiety levels. Is strongly suggest that you plan b your day so you can get more than 5-6 hrs of sleep for many reasons. Good luck with your training!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Put your stats into mfp and see how many cals it gives you. Timing of meals does not directly affect weight loss, but it can affect your hunger/satiety levels. Is strongly suggest that you plan b your day so you can get more than 5-6 hrs of sleep for many reasons. Good luck with your training!

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Because you have access to a full kitchen - I would do a grocery shop for snacks and stuff you can prepare in advance to take to class with you.

    Do you have training on the weekends as well? Is there a time where you can pop over to a grocery store to stock up on supplies?

    You can dedicate some time on the weekends (if you get them off) to batch cook some meals so you have something quick to grab.

    I'm not vegetarian but some ideas I have are...

    Cutting up veggies in advance for salads - throw some lettuce and veggies in a bowl - maybe add some tofu or some beans for protein.

    You can make sandwiches to take to class or wraps.

    Some fruit for snacking.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The first thing I would do would be to rearrange your schedule to increase the amount of potential sleeping time.
  • TooTatToTrot
    TooTatToTrot Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks everyone! Unfortunately, training is every single day, sans 2 off days. When I get there, I may find that I have to study less (so I can get an extra hour or two for sleep), but the schedule is rigorous and set in stone. I got my pre-entrance study packet and it is super long. I was told that it was 1 days's worth of class time, and we have a test as soon as we get to training, so I may still have to dedicate at least 2.5-3 hours for study time. I'll have the very first day to grocery shop (maybe, I haven't gotten my itinerary yet), then those 2 off days, so I'll have to figure out how to shop for veggies in bulk without them going bad and finding non-perishable food that will fit into my calorie allotment. MFP only gave me 1200 cals which won't work without me getting a migraine since I exercise daily. With MFP, I eat my exercise calories back, right?

    I plugged my numbers into a few IIFYM calculators and found that 1400 was on the aggressive side, and 1600 would still give me weightloss. I weighed in today and found that I lost weight, so the calories seem to be working well! I'll readjust if I stop losing weight. I'll have to find some low calorie snacks because 10 hours inside the training facility with only a lunch will make me ravenous (even if i'm within my calories). The good news is that training is a short period in time, and once I complete it, I'll have more time for sleep, even though my schedule will be inconsistent and crazy for the next year.

    Thanks again! I should have done a little more research before posting, but I appreciate your advice.
  • fitdaisygrrl
    fitdaisygrrl Posts: 139 Member
    With MFP, I eat my exercise calories back, right?

    I plugged my numbers into a few IIFYM calculators and found that 1400 was on the aggressive side, and 1600 would still give me weightloss. I weighed in today and found that I lost weight, so the calories seem to be working well! I'll readjust if I stop losing weight. I'll have to find some low calorie snacks because 10 hours inside the training facility with only a lunch will make me ravenous (even if i'm within my calories). The good news is that training is a short period in time, and once I complete it, I'll have more time for sleep, even though my schedule will be inconsistent and crazy for the next year.

    Thanks again! I should have done a little more research before posting, but I appreciate your advice.

    Yup- totally eat your exercise calories back (or at least a portion of them). Sounds like you got a good handle on what range is working for you and how to adjust if you aren't losing. I'd also seriously consider lightening your exercise goal time to increase some sleep and recovery time- otherwise you'll burn out in this already stressful sounding time! Since your training is only until May, it might be a good time to focus on your diet, and maybe alternate your cardio and strength days (ie: 45 minutes of gym time a day instead of 90). I know you love exercise for relieving stress, but if you aren't getting enough sleep your body won't be thanking you over time.
  • kimann4345
    kimann4345 Posts: 1 Member
    If you are doing IIFYM than you should have calculated your exercise into your calories. Therefore, you do not eat your calories back. If you are working out ten hours a week you should be higher than 1600 calories.