what do you eat in ur calories?

hi im new to this was at slimming world and lost 2st but then it stopped... Now trying this 1200 calorie diet just wondering what kind of thing to eat and keep me fuller for longer thank you..


  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Fiber and protein for fullness. Fat for taste.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    First - have you entered your stats correctly into MFP? Are you absolutely positive that it has you at 1200? I ask this because 1200 is the absolute minimum and it generally only applies if you're really short, much older, or very sedentary.

    If so, high volume low calorie foods may be your friend. That way, you get more food for less calories. You can build yourself a meal around a protein and some lower calorie, high volume vegetables so you can get a full plate of food for lower calories.

    Add in some spices or cook with a bit of olive oil to add flavour.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Set your loss to 1 lb per week. You should get a few more calories and can still lose weight.
  • dianee209
    dianee209 Posts: 17 Member
    I got 1500 a day ...
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    burnss2016 wrote: »
    I got 1500 a day ...

    Okay, great! Then 1500 is an easily workable number to eat a nice balance of foods and work in a treat every once in a while.

  • dianee209
    dianee209 Posts: 17 Member
    is that really good?? for 2 weetabix im 130 calories or something like that...
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    burnss2016 wrote: »
    is that really good?? for 2 weetabix im 130 calories or something like that...

    So one very valuable piece of advice is get a food scale and weigh your food. 2 weetabix can range in weight and therefore calories, so weighing it out will give you a more accurate calorie count than if you were just to rely on packaged nutritional information for 2 weetabix.

    130 calories is not very much. Does weetabix fill you up? If it doesn't, then maybe look into having another breakfast that will keep you up.

    My typical breakfast is about 130g of egg whites and one egg and I make it into an omelette where I add some salsa on top. That can be made for less than 200 calories and it keeps me full until lunch.

    Think of your 1500 calories as money. You can either spend it all at once or spend it in smaller amounts throughout the day. What foods are you willing to spend your calories on?

    I'm only semi-familiar with the Slimming World system of Hex foods and syns but when you are counting calories -all food counts. You just have to decide for yourself how you want to use your calories.

  • kkress92
    kkress92 Posts: 118 Member
    Read the "getting started" posts at the top of the weight loss section. They will help you understand how to properly log your intake- it's really easy to accidentally log incorrectly.
    Also, play around with your macros and find out what keeps you satiated. For me, getting enough protein makes eating at a deficit FAR easier. For others it's fat or fiber - find out what works for you.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I eat what will satisfy me, and stay within my calorie limit.

    What I feel like changes every day. But I always make room for what I love.

    I love food. All food nourishes in one way or another, and I feel like different types of food, different macros, throughout the day.

    Lost 80 lbs this way, and have kept it off since April last year.
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    edited February 2017
    I ate KFC today and was within my calorie goal. Don't deprive of anything and don't feel guilty. Good luck:-)
  • omakase619
    omakase619 Posts: 226 Member
    Lean proteins, oatmeal, fruits and tons of lettuce
  • heiliskrimsli
    heiliskrimsli Posts: 735 Member
    I eat whatever I want that fits into my calorie limit for the day. I won't speak to what your limit should be; that's up to you to decide. I did find though that as I started eating foods that kept me feeling less hungry for longer periods of time, things just sort of started falling away. Things like high sugar empty calorie foods and filling up a plate with simple carbs like white rice and pasta just stopped being worth it. I still like pasta, but somewhere along the way the "whatever I want" changed.

    I no longer actually want to eat sugary things, desserts, candy, and junk food. It's not even a restriction, but a lack of interest. I'd rather eat broccoli and brussels sprouts than a milk shake, and I can't pinpoint exactly when that evolved, but it did.

    So ... my advice is eat what you want, set a limit that's reasonable for you (sustainable as a lifestyle change that you don't ever stop and you're getting all your vitamins and minerals), and on the occasions when you're wanting to spend some of that calorie limit on a cookie, have a cookie.
  • wannabehappy79
    wannabehappy79 Posts: 16 Member
    edited February 2017
    Would love some help. I am over 300+ kind of EMBRASSING, but I need food that is going to help me. I was on like I think 1800 cal intake, but changed it myself cause MFP told me if I keep eating the way I am I will gain 332 in 5 weeks. So I am confused and can use some help.

    My exercise routine is really non existent. I can now only do 15 min of walking for excersise in my home. Any help would be great I am loosing for health reasons, but also for myself. Anyone out there pls help
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Would love some help. I am over 300+ kind of EMBRASSING, but I need food that is going to help me. I was on like I think 1800 cal intake, but changed it myself cause MFP told me if I keep eating the way I am I will gain 332 in 5 weeks. So I am confused and can use some help.

    My exercise routine is really non existent. I can now only do 15 min of walking for excersise in my home. Any help would be great I am loosing for health reasons, but also for myself. Anyone out there pls help

    Can you start your own thread please? So that the posts don't get mixed up.