Do you exercise in the morning or at night?



  • ItsAllMental819
    ItsAllMental819 Posts: 68 Member
    I train in the morning(6 days weekly) at 5am and do cardio in the evenings(only twice a week).
    I have several reasons for this:

    1) It gets my day going on the right track, gives me energy & I feel I have better workouts in the AM...
    2) My gym is not as busy early in the morning compared to evenings and I prefer it.
    3) This way my workout is done, if something comes up or I get too busy I'd skip an evening workout - This happens to me with cardio at times.
    4) Morning workouts help you to burn more calories through out the day by Kickstarting your metabolism. So you can either eat a bit more or lose some weight by putting your body in a caloric deficit state.
    5) I sleep better

    I can't give any words of wisdom on how to get motivated for early morning workouts but once you get into a routine it'll come easy. I do drink a pre-workout since I don't like coffee & that amps me up!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    ebrass73 wrote: »
    Wondering when you work out: before work, after work, or at night, and WHY?

    I exercise all day long. :)