omg! I'm starving lol

Hi, this is my second day on mfp... I was on weight watchers losing nothing for 10 months not losing anything. Veggies are free on WW so i never thought to count them. I added up my daily calories, fruit and veggies included and I wad eating between 1780 and 1900 calories a day!!!! Now that i am tracking everything at 1550 I'm so hungry lol, and advice!!!


  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    Embrace the hunger. When I was losing weight that feeling of hunger was a friendly reminder that I was using fat for my activities.

    lol ok that's how ill think now...thanks
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Low calorie high volume veggies- and do not drink your calories- you will get the hang of it and you will start losing-
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    I think it sometimes takes people a few days to adjust to their new calorie deficit.

    Also what you are eating makes a difference for satiety. For example, protein and fiber make me feel satisfied and not starving. But when I eat a very carb heavy meal, I'm often hungry an hour later. You could experiment with different macros to see what works for you.

    thanks! :)
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    You are going to have to play around with your macros, most people usually start by increasing their proteins, if you still feel hungry with an increase in that, try increasing carbs instead, and if not, try healthier fats and see which one makes you feel more satiated longer.

    i like to have veggies and protein at night, veggies full me, I'm now eating less then half the amount, I just feel like i want more...maybr not so much " starving".
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    I think you might feel more motivated as you begin to meet some goals rather it be clothing size or scale weight.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Make sure you get plenty of sleep and drinks lots of water. Be patient, you'll get over the hump in a week or two.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    Carol_ wrote: »
    I think you might feel more motivated as you begin to meet some goals rather it be clothing size or scale weight.

    I'm sure when I see some positives ill be good too, thankz!
  • I find that keeping myself busy is the best thing for me. I like to make up a few meals at one time and pack 'em up to take with me. Chicken breast is the best for me. 100g of it with 2 cups romaine, couple radishes, celery, cukes and a dressing (homemade is great bc soooo many recipes out there and u know exactly what's in them, but if u read labels carefully - pkg'd is fine. that is super lunch. Keep ur protein and fibre up bc that will keep u most full and is great for u. Protein about 20mg per meal to 65 -75mg per day and fibre try to get 30mg in per day (eg. apple = 5mg) Also - super helpful - drink 2 glasses of water a few minutes before every meal but not with the meal. It gives u a feeling of fullness and is great for digestion. Sometimes if u feel hungry, it is actually a sign that u are dehydrated! Water, water, water!!!
  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 403 Member
    Depending on what you set your target weight loss at, be it 2 pound per week or 1, you can set it a bit lower to get more calories. Half a pound less per week will give you 250 more calories. Or eat what you are given, but add in exercise and eat most of those calories back.
  • HeyJude007
    HeyJude007 Posts: 69 Member
    My fa vorite hunger..... fill is buying the romain lettuce 3-4 bunches, peal back 6 leaves, and make two stacks, Oscar Mayer mystique turkey, 6 slices if you really Hungary, on one of the stacks of lettuce, then cover with other stack. Crisp flavorful, I don't even use the mayo. Very filling low calories. If super Hungary I make with a bowl of progress soup, Save the other half of soup for evening.
  • ActionAnnieJXN
    ActionAnnieJXN Posts: 116 Member
    edited February 2017
    Coping with hunger is hard for me too, but over time, I've learned little tricks to make my calories go further and keep me from feeling too hungry. I'll sometimes sip a hot cup of chicken or beef broth for 60 calories, and drink a large glass of tea or other zero calorie beverage with it, and that usually will fill me until time for my regular snack or meal. Sugar free jello cups for 10 calories help a little, so do the frozen ice pops for about the same.

    A slice of cheese is 70 calories and is a good filler too. Sugar free pickles have "0" calories and I'll usually pop a couple of those with my slice of cheese and slam down a diet root beer. Boom! Hunger gone for a while. Lol. Light popcorn is another good one for slamming down the diet root beer with, haha! I'm sure someone out there is making the Dana Carvey Church Lady face at that - but if it works, it works, and I'm down over 109 lbs, so it works! Ha! :-)

    Also, play around with the timing of your meals - I can cope with hunger much easier in the morning, so I drink coffee and water all morning and don't begin eating until late morning, around 11:00. I will then have a snack like a yogurt, a protein shake, or cottage cheese, then a full lunch around 1:00. A full dinner in the evening, and I save 200 calories for a snack before bed. If I follow this routine, I know I can cope with the hunger, and I have my little "tricks" described above if I do start to feel too hungry.

    Another thing too - as I was adjusting to my lower intake, I increased my exercise very slowly. I can remember years ago, hitting the exercise too hard all at once before my body got used to the reduced caloric intake, and that was a mistake. Easing into it was a far better route to take and allowed my body time to adjust to all the changes, I think, which means less hunger and discomfort overall.
  • Aftronthegreat
    Aftronthegreat Posts: 54 Member
    I set my loss to 1lb / week instead of 2, I was way too hungry with that little calories! Exercising will add to your daily allowable calories too! Up that H2O and good luck :smile:
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    edited February 2017
    Assuming you're just adjusting to the new calorie level, take comfort in the knowledge that it will get better. You'll need to fuss a bit with your macros to see what satisfies you more, whether smaller more frequent meals work better or if you're happier eating fewer but larger meals. I'm the latter. In fact, I usually save about half my calories for dinner.

    I was starving at 1650 calories when I first started tracking again about a month ago. Now I'm fine eating a range of 1400-1600 most days. I was low yesterday. Software upgrade kept me at work til 8 and I dislike eating heavy meals late at night so I just had a calorie dense pb&j sandwich. But I can tell today is going to be a hungry day because of it and I'll eat at the top of my goal, maybe a little over. It all balances out.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Protein ..... Eat more & less carbs
  • Wolfger
    Wolfger Posts: 350 Member
    Fiber and protein help me feel full. But my target intake is 2110, so I'm sure it's more of a struggle for you. For me, hunger increases with boredom as well, so I try to keep my mind occupied.
  • SparklyBubblyBabe
    SparklyBubblyBabe Posts: 96 Member
    Well if its just a desire to eat thats likely just due to habit more so then actual hunger then maybe.. when my mom quit smoking she said she found it hard because she wasn't used to having nothing in her hand, she tried hard not to smoke again but eventually went back to it because she is OCD and a creature of habit lol

    But if you can just remind yourself that you're not starving and that you ate good today, your body should adjust in a couple weeks.

    This is a little off topic, but my dad was that way when he quit smoking and I suggested holding a pen or something of similar size to a cigarette. It apparently worked! He hasn't smoked in years.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    Protein ..... Eat more & less carbs

    Unless of course OP finds carbohydrates satiating.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    size102b wrote: »
    Protein ..... Eat more & less carbs

    Unless of course OP finds carbohydrates satiating.

    ^^^This. There's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to satiety. :)