Fitbit Charge 2: Super low sleep efficiency question?

Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
edited February 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
So I guess this would go along with fitness/health and I wasn't sure where to post....I always feel fatigued/exhausted and behold I put on my fitbit charge 2 and have used it a week just to see my highest sleep efficiency so far I believe has been 73% and it seems to get worse the longer I lay down. Usually it hovers around 60% and one time when I laid down for over 10hrs (super rare, usually more like 5 hrs in bed) my efficiency was about 43% and it said I was only asleep for abought 5.5 hrs. Is this just the Fitbit being an imperfect human invention or, on another note, since I was already thinking I had sleep problems is this a point where should I request a specialist?


  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    edited February 2017
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited February 2017
    I frequently only get between 5 -6 hours (I don't track it because it stresses me more- I lie awake worrying about how my chart will look the next day!)
    I don't know how easy it is to get referred to a specialist where you are (I'm in the UK and it's not easy) But before you go down that route,these are the following things I have tried which have helped- a bit!
    Switch off devices with bright screens at least an hour before bedtime.
    No alcohol within 3-4 hours of bedtime.
    A dark,quiet room that's not too warm and not too cold
    I don't workout in the evenings because it disturbs my sleep but we're all different.
    Don't go to bed hungry.
    Mindfulness meditation helps me but not suitable for everyone.
    Try not to take daytime naps too late in the day - I find it cuts down massively on my night time sleep.
    Try and go to bed and get up at the sane times every day even if you're still tired.
    If you sleep with a partner ask them if you snore as that affects your sleep.

    Edit : I've never used fit bit but a friend who uses it said that when she tried using it at night it tracked that she'd done 1000 steps! So I don't know how accurate it is at tracking your sleep quality!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I frequently only get between 5 -6 hours (I don't track it because it stresses me more- I lie awake worrying about how my chart will look the next day!)
    I don't know how easy it is to get referred to a specialist where you are (I'm in the UK and it's not easy) But before you go down that route,these are the following things I have tried which have helped- a bit!
    Switch off devices with bright screens at least an hour before bedtime.
    No alcohol within 3-4 hours of bedtime.
    A dark,quiet room that's not too warm and not too cold
    I don't workout in the evenings because it disturbs my sleep but we're all different.
    Don't go to bed hungry.
    Mindfulness meditation helps me but not suitable for everyone.
    Try not to take daytime naps too late in the day - I find it cuts down massively on my night time sleep.
    Try and go to bed and get up at the sane times every day even if you're still tired.
    If you sleep with a partner ask them if you snore as that affects your sleep.

    Edit : I've never used fit bit but a friend who uses it said that when she tried using it at night it tracked that she'd done 1000 steps! So I don't know how accurate it is at tracking your sleep quality!

    I lay there for 5 hrs a night usually but get 2-3hrs lol I don't drink alcohol much. I usually am on my laptop right before bed because it's the rare time I can do my homework. It isn't so good with steps but idk my sleep feels pretty bad so I kind of believe that part lol thanks for the ideas!
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I feel your pain ! Hope it improves