What should my eating schedule be?

I know I'm not eating at the right times during the day. Here's how my schedule normally goes:

4:30 am - Workout for 70-90 minutes

8:30 breakfast

11:30 - 12- Lunch

3:30 - Snack

6 pm - Dinner

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I eat every 2 hours once I get to work..

    8am - breakfast (usually 2 yogurts)
    10am - fiber 1 bar
    12am - lunch
    3pm fiber 1 bar
    dinner by 6pm
    evening snacks of popcorn and usually a skinny cow icecream or fresh fruit around 8-9pm..
    I also drink a lot of water

    and I still stay around 1700-1800 cals on days I dont exercise to burn off more
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    My biggest comment is there is a long between workout and breakfast.......Maybe try a snack between or a protein shake.
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    My schedule is

    Workout 5:30-6:30

    Breakfast 7:00/7:30

    11AM Snack

    Lunch 12:30/1:30

    3PM Snack

    Dinner 5:00/5:30

    Late Snack 7:30

    My Daily Calorie Goal is 1,200 and there are days that I DO eat my exercise caloires
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    You are going 14+ hours without eating and then get up and workout??? "EEK!" is what comes to mind here!

    If you don't like something in your stomach before you workout, then you should have at minimum, a small snack or protein shake after you workout. Or have your breakfast as soon as your done working out and eat every 3 hours from there.

    I know I'm not eating at the right times during the day. Here's how my schedule normally goes:

    4:30 am - Workout for 70-90 minutes

    8:30 breakfast

    11:30 - 12- Lunch

    3:30 - Snack

    6 pm - Dinner

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Questions to ask yourself..............

    Are you feeling satisfied with the way your eating? Hungry at different times?

    I don't adhere to a schedule. I eat when my body says I am hungry.

    Sometimes that means I eat once in a 36 hour period and other days I may eat 1 or 2 meals a day.

    If your body is happy with it, then there is nothing wrong with it.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    One thing that I have been told is that you should eat within 30 mins of waking up to kick start your metabolism, othen than that I try to eat every 2 hours during the daytime. But different things work for different people so see how your body feels and adjust.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Well...any eating schedule works so long as you're feeling good about it and taking in the right amount of nutrition.

    5:00 - workout - 60 mins, some form of lifting or cardio

    6:30 - post workout smoothie (replenish glycogen)
    9:00 - breakfast
    1:00 - lunch
    6:00 - dinner

    That's only 11 hours fasting between dinner and morning workout. Which, IMO, is superior and I've done it for some time. The only time I'll fuel pre-workout is if I'm doing something ridiculously grueling, like a 60 mile bike ride...otherwise, no.

    If I'm hungry before dinner, I'll grab a snack. Most days, I don't because I like bigger meals at meal time.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    It doesn't matter. Whenever you want to eat you should. All that matters is the number of calories you ultimately consume. Iwill go days where I am just too busy to eat and I won't eat anything until dinner (but I'll eat a big dinner). No harm done, no weight lost or gained. The only reason they say eat 6 small meals a day is to keep yourself feeling full so you won't binge. But if you have will power over it, you can do it however you like.
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    You are going 14+ hours without eating and then get up and workout??? "EEK!" is what comes to mind here!

    If you don't like something in your stomach before you workout, then you should have at minimum, a small snack or protein shake after you workout. Or have your breakfast as soon as your done working out and eat every 3 hours from there.

    I know I'm not eating at the right times during the day. Here's how my schedule normally goes:

    4:30 am - Workout for 70-90 minutes

    8:30 breakfast

    11:30 - 12- Lunch

    3:30 - Snack

    6 pm - Dinner

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

    I agree with Jamie - you are going way too long without something to eat. I am surprised you can get through such a long workout that early in the morning. If you can't eat breakfast, try:

    4:30 am - Workout for 70-90 minutes
    6:00 - 7:00 snack with protein, carbs and fat
    8:30 - breakfast
    11:00 - snack
    1:00 - 2:00 Lunch
    3:30 - Snack
    6 pm - lighter Dinner
    7:30 - small protein-based snack (yogurt)
  • InsanityLover
    My Schedule:

    7:00 am Breakfast

    9:30 am My 1st Workout (45 minutes)

    10:15 am Snack (Which is my Protein Shake)

    11:30 am Lunch

    1:00 pm My 2nd Workout (45 minutes)

    3:00 pm Snack

    5:30 pm Dinner
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Couldn't disagree more..... when you eat at regular intervals, it maintains your metabolism and blood sugar levels, etc.... your body needs fuel for your life/daily activities. If you eat once in 36 hours or only 1 or 2 meals per day, then your body is just used to living in starvation mode. That doesn't mean it's "ok" or "right" for you. It just means, your body has adjusted to what you are doing.

    Sometimes I'm not hungry every 3 hours. But, I always try to eat a small snack anyway. The idea is to keep your metabolism going! The higher your metabolism, the more calories you burn, the more fat/weight you lose!! If you slow your metabolism by not eating for several hours (or more), your body is storing fat!
    Questions to ask yourself..............

    Are you feeling satisfied with the way your eating? Hungry at different times?

    I don't adhere to a schedule. I eat when my body says I am hungry.

    Sometimes that means I eat once in a 36 hour period and other days I may eat 1 or 2 meals a day.

    If your body is happy with it, then there is nothing wrong with it.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    The reason to eat 6 meals per day is to keep your metabolism working! Yes, it does keep you feeling full and help to prevent binging. But, the purpose is to kick up that metabolism!

    When you have good/high metabolism, you burn calories even when your body is at rest!
    The only reason they say eat 6 small meals a day is to keep yourself feeling full so you won't binge. But if you have will power over it, you can do it however you like.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I wouldn't have time to eat six meals per day and if I did they wouldn't be much of a meal!

    I will stick to breakfast at whatever time I wake up, lunch at whatever time I can fit it in and dinner when I get home.

    I will use my willpower to not eat inbetween and I will exercise when I can.

    All these restrictions are now doing my head in!! :mad:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Pay attention to when you feel hungry, and note the times. Use that to establish a rhythm with your body. I eat breakfast when I get up, have a snack around 10, lunch at noon, snack at 3, and dinner at 6. I try to cut off eating at 8:30.