20lb to loose - looking for more fitness buddies!



  • angelicthing
    angelicthing Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2017
    I just got onto the community today and I have 15 lbs to loose its my last 15 as well. Can I still be added? I really needs a support system.

    I have lost 50 lbs in the past and I have allowed it to creep back up I need to stop the creep. :neutral:

    CW: 140
    GW: 125
    H: 5'3"
    age: 42
  • healthybearey
    healthybearey Posts: 140 Member
    Hey all! I have sent you all a friend request :)
  • amywillloseit2015
    amywillloseit2015 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I am looking for friends to help motivate me! I am at 164 and need to lose about 40 lbs. Add me if you would like to motivate each other
  • 21russell624
    21russell624 Posts: 6 Member
    I want im I'm trying to lose 20lb myself
  • 21russell624
    21russell624 Posts: 6 Member
    I would like to be added also I am trying to lose 20 pounds myself
  • ENRiyard
    ENRiyard Posts: 42 Member
    Hi guys, im on journey to get fitter as well. If you wish feel free to add me
  • LiveLaughLove1969
    LiveLaughLove1969 Posts: 122 Member
    I've been on here a while but haven't kept up. Looking for friends :) All welcome. I can use the help and inspiration in keeping up with this. I fight my weight everyday. Had a pituitary tumor when I was a teenager and had it removed. Ended up in steroids to keep me alive for the rest of my life. I'm not doing bad but not happy with me either. I want to be more fit. Thanks for reading ☺️
  • She_Devil23
    She_Devil23 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello. This week is the first week using MFP. I too have similar goals. Im 150lb and would like to drop down to 125. I'm looking for friends to stay motivated. Thank you!
  • ashleyg2688
    ashleyg2688 Posts: 29 Member

    I am single mom of two kids, 8 & 1 years old. Three years ago I used this app and got to a healthy weight. Since then I gained it all back. MY highest weight is 204. My current weight is 193. I am 5ft 7. My first goal is 172 and ultimate goal is 160. I would love to have friends. Feel free to add me. I struggle with this calorie thing because I love food and apparently it loves me!
  • Dowelled234
    Dowelled234 Posts: 3 Member
    I have 20lbs to lose too!
    HW: 160lbs
    CW: 158lbs
    GW: 140lbs

    Would love someone to keep me on track
  • healthybearey
    healthybearey Posts: 140 Member
    Added everyone!! :D
  • lionlaw65
    lionlaw65 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I surely wouldn't mind joining all the other fitness buddies.

    Here's my deal:

    Age/Gender: 52/Male
    Original Weight (2013): 368
    Current Weight: 247
    Current Loss: 121
    Goal Weight: 217
    Goal Loss: 151

    I'm trying to lose the last of my flab by Labor day. I'm doing a Tough Mudder (10-12 mile obstacle course, in rolling countryside in 11 weeks) with a team of people who are much fitter than I am and I don't want to embarrass myself too much. Then, I'm hoping to finish off this journey with a bang, by doing a few small triathlons over the summer. I've got two problems: (1) my weight has remained roughly stuck where it is for 5 months; and (2) I just can't seem to drag myself to the gym or go out to start running again (I was shut down due to some minor leg problems for a few months).....and, I'm running out of time if I'm going to do meet my goals.

    I need to keep my daily calories between 1900-2200 and aim high on protein.

    Plus, drag myself out to do fat burning exercise at least 6x/week. On Saturday mornings, I do a double class - so what I need is 4 other times/week where I burn 400-600 calories.

    Looking forward to being a "buddy".

    Bob K

  • KrazedBemused
    KrazedBemused Posts: 129 Member
    edited March 2017
    Wanting to lose 22lbs. I'm 5'8. Mother of two kids, 14 and 11. Really just want to be fit and healthy, weight loss would be a bonus!
    HW: 277lbs
    CW: 207lbs
    GW: 185lbs
  • kellymedd1
    kellymedd1 Posts: 4 Member
    I could use some pals! I'm 47 and I used to know how to do this, was a chubby kid, took it off and kept it off for years, but over the last 4 years I've gained 30lbs and cannot stay motivated...beat myself up ever Sunday night, weekends are a killer!
    HW: 187lbs
    CW: 185lbs
    GW: 155lbs
  • abigailhe
    abigailhe Posts: 28 Member
    Hey there! My goals are about the same as yours!
    CW 174
    Goal: 125
    I really let myself go during nursing school and gained forty pounds in a little over two years from inactivity. I'm working 12 hour shifts now in the ER. Finally used to the schedule and ready to start getting healthy and fit again! Add me!
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    I would love to have some friends. I joined two weeks ago.
    I am 47 and have 30 lbs of menopause weight to lose. I had gained 40 and lost 10. This is heaviest weight ever except when I was pregnant going up or down.
    I am 201.5lbs.
    I want to get down to 170, but 160 would be great.
    I also have MS, which hasn't helped, but I am lesion free right now.
    I eat a clean diet and started back competitive swimming in October. (15 year hiatus)
    I have two teenage boys and am doing pretty well with my new diet. I don't eat refined sugar and eat a ton of veggies and fruits. My change I made two weeks ago was to get a better mix of protein in with my veggies and fruit. Now I am starting to see a drop after two years of not dropping at all.

    Would love the extra support.
  • alfalfasprout
    alfalfasprout Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to also make some new friends on MFP! Anyone is welcome to add me :)
    I have about 20 pounds I want to lose also. Stats are:
    Height 5'3
    CW: 145 ish
    GW: 125lbs, and then re-assess from there.
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    I started about month ago but I am looking to drop another 15 lbs in the next 3 months. I am a mom of 3 kids and find that the friends in mfp have been invaluable this for. They all motivate me on days when I can't seem to motivate myself. Hope to join up for the journey.
  • nikshahrizan
    nikshahrizan Posts: 1 Member
    just installed this apps today :)
  • diaz1985
    diaz1985 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. So heres me, im not sure on the short letter thing (kinda new on commenting on here) so im
    Weigh 193.6lbs (current yesterday)
    I have a goal of 170lbs (ik its a lot :blush: )but i did it before.
    I have 3 girls (7,4, & 8mth old) after this last pregnancy i had a long recovery time, so my "bby fat" kinda stayed with me. At my highest weight (wout being preg) was at 198lbs in december 2016. Before i got preg, i worked out, did zumba and ate healthy, i was at 171lbs but then i got preg and i let go :neutral: so started loosing it.
    Now that were done with babies :smiley: im done slacking off. I plan on getting to my goal, and the support aside from my husband would be helpful. We can do this guys! Even if its 5lbs or 50lbs, everything is possible! Thank you! GB