Avid trainer, new to the myfitnesspal community!

CBD92 Posts: 72 Member
Hey All!

I've been using the app to track for a while now, and just looking to make it a bit more social. I love Muay Thai kickboxing and train it almost every day, I do gym workouts almost daily as well and am currently training for a 200 km mountain hike. I also love to practice iyengar yoga and have a passion for healthy, from scratch home cooking. Looking to connect with some people who share my love of training and food to help with accountability and maybe get some challenges going.



  • str5wberrysp1ce
    str5wberrysp1ce Posts: 14 Member
    You are where I want to be!! Good job on your progress!! One of these days, I'll get there!
  • CBD92
    CBD92 Posts: 72 Member
    You are where I want to be!! Good job on your progress!! One of these days, I'll get there!

    So kind! Thank you! You are right where you need to be, always remember that. :)

    Your cat...super cute by the way!

  • Hensonator1084
    Hensonator1084 Posts: 195 Member
    Add me then if u like :)
  • CBD92
    CBD92 Posts: 72 Member
    Add me then if u like :)

    Thanks! I'll do that! :)