Trying to lean bulk while doing IF ?

Hey guys so I'm 17 and 50kgs, 160cm (5'3). I have had some really unhealthy eating habits in the past and started intermittent fasting that escalated to days of not eating at a time. I am now vegan, and do 16:8 and have two 24 hour day fasts per week.
Majority of weight questions are answered with "CICO" or "as long as you eat at a deficit/surplus." I'm asking from the perspective of can I still lean bulk consistently whilst fasting on my rest days?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, I just wonder if fasting would hinder my progress. Thank you :)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I think you would struggle to hit your calorie and macro goals with 2 days of not eating?

    What's your reason for 2 fast days? From what you've said it just developed from unhealthy eating habits so why keep doing it?
  • jordan_bowden
    jordan_bowden Posts: 90 Member
    I think you would struggle to hit your calorie and macro goals with 2 days of not eating?

    What's your reason for 2 fast days? From what you've said it just developed from unhealthy eating habits so why keep doing it?

    Truthfully, it's a really difficult habit to break and I find it helps to control binges or going over calorie goals. I just battle to justify eating on a rest day, it almost makes me feel guilty in a way. I also just like to give my digestive system a break, it feels great to not constantly be full or needing to eat
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Lean bulking with two fast days on top of a history of bingeing is a recipe for failure. Bulking requires eating over maintenance. If you fast you have to eat those days' calories plus the extra amount on the other five days. Just eat every day and you should feel better about being full.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I think you would struggle to hit your calorie and macro goals with 2 days of not eating?

    What's your reason for 2 fast days? From what you've said it just developed from unhealthy eating habits so why keep doing it?

    Truthfully, it's a really difficult habit to break and I find it helps to control binges or going over calorie goals. I just battle to justify eating on a rest day, it almost makes me feel guilty in a way. I also just like to give my digestive system a break, it feels great to not constantly be full or needing to eat

    I'd would spend some time sorting out the guilt over eating every day as a priority ahead of any thing else, for your mental and physical health.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Are you meeting/exceeding your weekly maintenance calorie goals by fasting two days a week? If so, I think you'll be fine. If not, you definitely won't be bulking in a calorie deficit. I do IF, while losing I was following a 5:2 and 19:5 combo. Now that I'm actively training for numerous runs and trying to add muscle, I dropped the 5:2 for the most part.

    Consider eating at maintenance on rest days and eating at a slight surplus on workout days. Or use a TDEE calculator and eat the same number of calories each day.
  • jordan_bowden
    jordan_bowden Posts: 90 Member
    Are you meeting/exceeding your weekly maintenance calorie goals by fasting two days a week? If so, I think you'll be fine. If not, you definitely won't be bulking in a calorie deficit. I do IF, while losing I was following a 5:2 and 19:5 combo. Now that I'm actively training for numerous runs and trying to add muscle, I dropped the 5:2 for the most part.

    Consider eating at maintenance on rest days and eating at a slight surplus on workout days. Or use a TDEE calculator and eat the same number of calories each day.

    I average about 100 calories under my weekly goal, but I do sometimes snack on a few dates if I need some energy so I do pretty much reach my caloric needs. Thanks for the advice, it is very helpful!