Little things that helped you lose weight



  • ScorpioKaly
    ScorpioKaly Posts: 9 Member
    Hot drinks!! Mostly coffee, but herbal teas as well. If im feeling hunger kick in ill grab a tea or coffee first, then if im still hungry ill make a snack usually consisting of fruits and veggies. I never starve myself, if you're hungry it means your body requires some sort of sustenance. 70% of the time youre just thirsty though, and a warm beverage reaaallly helps fill the void before you make some bad food choices.
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Sleep, sleep, sleep....if you are not fully rested your body can easily get hungry looking for energy.

    Water, keep track of calories, gym (when you go, don't get lazy, work to improve), put time aside for you and only you (that has been the hardest with kiddos) but you need time to self reflect. Set goals and truly work at them.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    Getting a food scale and start weighing all the foods like a chemist isn't a little thing. That's a huge change in one's eating behavior. And for some they plan to do it lifetime. :)

    Anyway OP, my little things are:

    - "Ruin" my appetite before meals by eating low calorie foods in advance.
    - Understand that a lot of time appetite and hunger are misunderstood and can be ignored. Like after a good workout I am tired and feel like I can eat a horse but what I really need is just an electrolyte drink and some immediate rest to recharge.
    - Develop new hobbies or schedule things in place of meal time.
    - Hang out with people who care about their fitness.
    - Coffee and some energy drinks are your friends.
  • peanutbuttertuesday
    peanutbuttertuesday Posts: 192 Member
    When I buy snack food, like a bag of sweet potato chips, I portion it out into proper serving size in sandwich bags so I am never tempted to eat from the bag and always know how many calories I consumed.
  • elopez1998
    elopez1998 Posts: 40 Member
    Family and friends ready to support and motivate. Food scale, MFP, weighing myself at least once a week and last but not least, how ugly my loose clothes look on me.
  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    edited March 2017
    People's tips on here will be different, but for me I never used a food scale to measure or weigh my food, and I still lost 30 pounds. And I also don't calorie count I eat whenever I'm hungry, but I do eat smaller portions. I also cut junk food from my diet like no more soda or anything from the vending machine. I realized most of my weight was from unhealthy things like that, and I also realized I need to be more active. So for me the fip I would say is take things slow and not rush things. If you want to be more active start with taking walks outside I have a 30 minute walk everyday. I've now also added weights to my workout, and I do 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer some days as well. Adding resistance helps! However, what works for me may not work for you.

    Good luck Op, but the best advice I would give you is to consult with a doctor about a weight loss plan.
  • jroth261
    jroth261 Posts: 117 Member
    edited March 2017
    Staying focused on my goals by continuously studying sound health and fitness books. Keeps me in a conscious frame of mind. This is one of my readings that I would highly recommend, since weight loss is such a mental endeavor:
    The author helps you understand what willpower really means and why you shouldn't feel too guilty if yours "falls short" and how to circumvent that from happening.
  • MissHempy
    MissHempy Posts: 27 Member
    Give your cupboards a good clean out. Get rid of bad foods, keep the good stuff and feel lighter already. Much like cleaning out the wardrobe or de-cluttering the house, it really gives a sense of peace and new found joy.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    I'll second the hot drinks, I like herbal tea and I am happy to drink it unsweetened, but even with a bit of sugar or honey in it, it's hardly any calories and keeps me amused and comforted for a while.
  • jjjjemail
    jjjjemail Posts: 6 Member
    A very hot cup of Nestle Fat free hot chocolate when I am about to go snack. It takes a while to drink. It is sweet and has 20 calories. It takes a while to drink, which gives me time to determine if I really need food.

    In short hot chocolate is my crutch.
  • deviousme7
    deviousme7 Posts: 61 Member
    edited March 2017
    Eating breakfast, pre-logging food, batch cooking on a Sunday using the recipe builder and freezing it for the week, taking tasty different lunches to work each day, discovering new healthy recipes, reading the community forums here, having a weight loss challenge at work and my Garmin step counter, weighing food, going for an after dinner walk with my dog to stop after dinner snacking, discovering Quinoa and eating BEFORE I get hungry
  • isabellapanzica9387
    isabellapanzica9387 Posts: 68 Member
    Log everything that passes your lips.
    You don't need to eat everything on your dish.
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Sleep! Helps keep the blood sugar in check.
  • beaglebrandon
    beaglebrandon Posts: 97 Member
    edited March 2017
    When I buy snack food, like a bag of sweet potato chips, I portion it out into proper serving size in sandwich bags so I am never tempted to eat from the bag and always know how many calories I consumed.

    So true. I intentionally buy the small 100-150 calorie snack size bags instead of the large bags. You then can keep yourself down to eating just 1 or 2.

    And they're not more expensive - you can get 50 small bags of chips for about $12. Compare this to 4 large bags which go stale if you don't eat them quick enough.
  • pdlaynor
    pdlaynor Posts: 3 Member
    Wow.......Some really good advice here already.

    I began my fitness and weight loss journey in September of 2016. I am now down 40 pounds. I did take December off due to Christmas and a family vacation. My first major win was not gaining any weight over the holidays. That was huge for me! Here's my plan for success.

    1. Visit your doctor first.
    2. I joined a gym that specializes in Small Class Internal Training similar to "Crossfit". I love it. Our coaches are awesome. We train at our own pace and have fun. There are so many fun fitness choices these days. Find something you can enjoy. I work out at least 4 or 5 days each week. We also go for hikes and walks.
    3. I met with a Nutritionist who helped me with my basic meal plan. That was a BIG help for me. I now know what my calorie range should be for safe weight loss. I have my daily protein, carb, fat and sodium goals/limits and I plan my meals accordingly.
    4. I meal prep twice a week. I preplan all my lunches and dinners. I always have healthy meal and snack choices ready in case life gets too crazy. I always have a protein bar in my purse or car. I eat 4 to 5 small meals a day rather than 2 or 3 large ones. I do not eat any carbs after 7 pm.
    5. I track EVERYTHING I eat or drink in My Fitness Pal. MFP has changed my life.
    6. I don't eat out often but if I want to join friends for a night out, I research the menu and know what I can order before I go out. My friends have been great. They always pick a place where they know I can find a healthy choice.
    7. I weigh myself once a week.
    8. I have a cheat meal after every five pound weight loss. Make sure your cheat meal doesn't turn into a binge!
    9. I celebrate my small wins! They add up. I have always been hard on myself and critical of my body.

    Most importantly, DO NOT GIVE UP.