How do you find time?



  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I've always worked, and worked out. When I was in college, working, graduate school, had two little kids, and when I had them grow up and leave letting me feel really lazy since I'd been working out for 40 years. I work full time, have worked out with jogging, gyms, home rower, home treadmill, home stair master, workout DVDs, weights, and currently 30-40 min in the morning watching the news before work at 6:30 on a stationary bike. I'm 62. You just need to prioritize it. I mostly jogged, for about 40 years, but the machines and others came into my life based on time constraints and injuries.
  • andraise
    andraise Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, you do realize that 80% of weight loss is diet. Right? If your time is tight, the best thing you can do for results is to take whatever time you can to prepare proper meals and focus on hitting your appropriate total calorie intake and deficit for the day.

    In terms of exercise, just focus on being more active throughout the day in your regular activities. Stand more than you sit and step in place if thats all you can do for the moment, park the car at the end of the lot, take the stairs instead of the elevator, every time you go to the bathroom when out go to one further away/do a lap around the building before coming back to the closer bathroom, if you watch tv (time suck) - try to do it while on the treadmill/exercise bike or just stand and walk in place while you're watching...MAKE TIME - Get up 30 mins earlier and get in a good brisk walk around the neighborhood or something. And, therefore do your best to go to bed earlier as well because proper rest is very important too. You HAVE to make it a priority!!! Good luck to you! You CAN do this!!!
  • PennWalker
    PennWalker Posts: 554 Member
    smitss01 wrote: »
    If you work full time, are in school, and have other after work obligations, how do you find time to work out? I need some ideas for quick and effective exercises.

    There is no magic answer. You have to decide your health is a priority and make the time.

    I read some of my textbooks while I walk on the treadmill at the gym (I wear foam earplugs). It's not the greatest exercise, but I can burn about 250 calories in an hour.

    Exercise early because you are more likely to be tired later in the day. You can also do 10 minutes at a time throughout the day instead of setting aside an hour.

    Walk or ride a bike to work
    Take the stairs
    Park the car far away and walk
    Carry your groceries out of the store instead of using a cart
    Take mini breaks at work to do a few squats and planks and flexibility exercises.
    Jog in place
    Turn off the TV and go for a run around the block.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    You just kinda have to do it. I know that doesn't sound that helpful but you have to either make time by finding shortcuts in your daily routine or find time within your daily routine. What I mean by that is this: you can make time by using a grocery shopping app to save you 30 minutes of shopping to just pick up your stuff, then use that saved time to workout. OR find time by exercising on a break and eating at your desk instead for example.
  • Anonymous_fiend
    Anonymous_fiend Posts: 196 Member
    You make time. An hour workout is 4% of the day. If you want to you'll find a way. If I'm super busy I try to see what I can consolidate and what I can cut time by being more efficient. Or ill squeeze 5-10 min mini workouts in throughout the day. Like before showers squats, wall sits, and jumping jacks. Stretching in the shower. Commercial break workouts. I always park far from the store. Do some bicep curls and lifts with your groceries.
  • SR1986
    SR1986 Posts: 92 Member
    You HAVE to make it a priority. I understand you have lots going on. We all do. You dont have to work out 2 hours a day to get results though. It can sound daunting. And it is a pain to find time. Sometimes I have to work out after my daughter goes to bed. Tony Horton says something in the P90X3 total synergistic DVD that might resonate with you. You don't need a gym or fancy machines to put work in. Although you will need some equipment (pull up bar or resistance bands, free weights, a mat etc) I work out at home. I haven't been to a gym in years. I use DVD'S. P90X3, T25 and some others have mentioned are all 25-30 min workouts. And I get results! I do others as well, but the shorter ones produce results too. You have to look at it as a lifestyle change and not a problem. The way you approach working out can make a world of difference.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    edited February 2017
    I work 60-ish hours at job number one and about 20 at job number two. I work out most days of the week after work M-F and usually both weekend days.

    I change at work and go to 90 minute Ashtanga yoga twice a week, do cardio at the gym twice a week and then on Friday nights I lift.

    Sat and Sunday are two more yoga classes, both 90 minutes. My friends know I don't usually go out after work and we hang on the weekends.

    My health and fitness are a priority. Plus the yoga somehow keeps my tension headaches at bay.

    You have to choose it or it's not going to happen.
  • KatyBell164
    KatyBell164 Posts: 104 Member
    I don't, I make time g5kcz0ek49ub.jpg
  • razzapool
    razzapool Posts: 89 Member
    you just have to push yourself into making time I finish work and go gym and although it means I don't get home till gone 7pm some nights (and it drives my wife crazy lol) you end up feeling good because even though you are tired from work you pushed yourself and got your workout in anyway
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    every step counts, 5 minutes here and there all adds up

    jog on the spot whilst watching tv, cooking etc

    if the supermarket is not that far away, walk instead of driving
  • uninc57
    uninc57 Posts: 24 Member
    Life used to be exhausting for me until I started working out. Once I started working out I don't need to find the time I make the time because I feel great afterwards. There are plenty of workouts to suit just about anyone's constraints. My friend does bodyweight exercises while watching tv after work. I go to the gym before class. My fiancee was an au pair and did aerobics and calisthenics while the kid was napping or watching tv.

    The great thing about working out is it can be done anywhere, anytime, anyhow. Just keep progressing with whatever you do. I can add weight to the bar. My friend did pushups from his knees, then full two handed, then one handed, you get the idea.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I work full-time and am a mother of a teenager and a toddler. I do the daycare drop off and pickup for the toddler, which cuts into my time/adds to my obligations but that is where scheduling workouts comes in. I walk on my lunch break several days a week. Once a week there is yoga at lunch. I have a weekly scheduled trainer appointment on Sundays that is my sacred time and my family accepts that. Twice a week as soon as my husband gets home I head to the gym to swim, and the latest plan is to grab the little one from the daycare, stop by my in-laws and grab my bike, put her in the bike trailer and ride until my husband can come pick up the girls. It takes planning.
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    I have 3 jobs (one permanent, 2 freelance), 3 kids, 2 dogs, 1 blog and a husband. I'm a school governor and chair of a charity.

    I find time.

    The two classes I do are in evenings when my husband is home with the kids and dogs (he's not always home but I've asked that he be home those two nights). Both classes are an hour and only a 5 minute drive away. My sister comes with me - that really helps.

    My time at the gym is on weekends when my kids are at their own sporting activities and my husband is at work or playing rugby. Or it's in lunch breaks when I'm working from home without meetings.

    I'm busy. But I can find those few hours. When I worked in an office I used to go for a half hour jog some lunch times. Pre-kids I'd jog before breakfast and go to gym after work - wouldn't work for me now but doesn't mean I do nothing.

    It's bespoke to your own life, your schedule, the facilities available to you and the sports/classes you prefer.

    A friend of mine was always moaning about her weight. She likes swimming and is good at it so that's what she does now. I'd hate it but it fits her life.
  • yasminyawad47
    yasminyawad47 Posts: 2 Member
    Will for me I found that the best time is early morning, that save me the whole day time. I woke up at 6:00 am drink water and workout for maximum
    45 min, take my shower and start my day so you just need one hour to exercise and shower ( or eat one fruit and after one hour I start my workout) then you you have the whole day and that will make your body burn all day long. Hope I helped ^_^
  • kyfountain754
    kyfountain754 Posts: 4 Member
    I think with any new activity, you have to try to make the time to do it. If you're working and in school, put a block of time to the side dedicated to working out. When I was working and going for my Master's, I would go to the gym right after dinner. After a few weeks it becomes part of your routine. Not sure if this helps, but I know it seemed to work for me.
  • hostile17
    hostile17 Posts: 54 Member
    When I say I don't have time I'm making excuses. I work full time, but then it's easy to fill time up with TV etc. Right now, as I'm 'back on it', I do gym before work - just 30 mins. And every lunchtime I walk about two miles. You only need to do it three times a week, so you're looking at maybe 3 hours of time investment.

    If you can't find that, do an audit - write down what you spend all your time on. You may get some surprises from time hogs.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I work full time and I'm studying. Here is my daily schedule

    I wake up at 4:30am.
    In gym by 05:30
    Workout done by 07:00 then shower and off to work.
    Finish work at 16:00 then study (at work) till 18:00
    Get home at 19:00 and make supper.
    Spend a bit of time with the wife, food prep for the next day and in bed by 22:00

    Lather, rinse repeat 4 days a week.
  • a2z76
    a2z76 Posts: 18 Member
    Here's a great article from Bobby Maximus.
  • bob_mck
    bob_mck Posts: 29 Member
    Not too sound too harsh but you simply have to just make time. I work full time and i have a 3 year old son and a fiance. I get up at 5 AM every morning to get to get gym and work out before i go to work. Doing this allows me to not miss out on any family time. I actually have come to love my morning work outs!.
  • Fallfrenzy
    Fallfrenzy Posts: 118 Member
    I agree with others that time needs to be made to exercise. I exercise first thing in the morning, since my motivation in the afternoon can be lacking. Although there is a restroom on my floor at work, I go to a different floor to use the restroom. During lunch if the weather is decent, I take a walk outside to get a breath of fresh air, sunshine and re-energize. You just need to make time and do what makes sense for you.