Weekends- the struggle is real

Ok so I really find being healthy in the week so easy but the weekends are a whole different ball game! I love a weekend drink with my hubby, especially when he works most weekends so I don't have any time with him in the days. I have my little boy who's 20months old so on the go and it's an excuse I know but I struggle to eat well when it's just us 2! How do you all deal with the weekend struggle? Without feeling like your missing out ? I know it's all about moderation as well but once I had once drink I like 3/4 more! Would you suggest cut it out? I do find I end up wanting nibbles once I've had a drink, it's like they go hand in hand :o any tips I would appreciate :-) thank


  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    I tend to have few drinks on a Saturday.
    I find having the lower cal ones like vodka, and making sure I drink before dinner, so I am not eating, drinking, then having to snack due to the drink. I also try and bank 100 calories a day during the week so I have leeway for weekend.
    But yes, moderation is difficult. I always tend to feel that one drink isn't 'worth it' so if I cannot allow for 3/4 I won't have any.
  • c123c
    c123c Posts: 81 Member
    It's soooo hard! I'll be so good throughout the day, get to the evening when there's trashy tv on and then suffers the find myself eating my body weight in chocolate!
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    edited February 2017
    I was having the same problem and it was really affecting my ability to lose weight. Finally I tried banking calories for the weekends, and it has worked great. For a 1lb per week loss I need to net 1500 calories per day. It's much easier for me to eat lighter during the week, so I set up my week like this:
    1200 calories M-W and 1500 calories on Thursday, leaving me 1800 calories for F-Sun. This gives me the flexibility on the weekends to have a bigger dinner, an extra drink with the hubby, and/or a nice dessert treat. I do eat back exercise calories, so I'm usually eating more actual calories than listed above.

    I've also recently begun prelogging my food the day before, and that's helped a lot too.

    Good luck!!
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    ^ yes! prelogging helps :smiley:
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    As for the nibbles that go along with drinking, again, bank calories and budget for some extra calories to go along with the drink. Even just a small cookie or two or an oz of cheese and a few crackers helps me, and it's not a calorie bomb. Prelog and plan for it!

    Also, you don't have to be "so good" during the day. If you want chocolate (or whatever is a treat for you) during the day, just budget it into your calories. This really helps you not feel deprived and then want to over do it in the evening/weekend. I eat dark chocolate with my coffee as breakfast every day! :yum:
  • feefee84
    feefee84 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you all for taking the time to reply. Really has helped me and glad it's quite normal to struggle with weekends lol! I usually drink vodka as I know it's lower in calories too which is good I guess. :) I just find on a Monday I see my scales go up after the weekend rather than down and I wish I could work out at weekends too but with hubby working makes it difficult :s lol
  • catmomfat
    catmomfat Posts: 97 Member
    I actually find weekends easier. Probably because I tend to do things like 10 mile bike rides or spend a couple of hours hiking or doing something outdoors that burns a ton of calories. The weekdays are tough because it's hard to squeeze in more than an hour of exercise and 1200 calories per day is damn near impossible for me without exercise.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    I weigh in on Tuesdays because of this, just that extra day to 'recover' makes it feel better on the scales.

  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    I find it easier to eat "healthier" when my husband isn't eating with us because I don't feel any pressure to make a big family dinner. When it's me and the kids I might make sandwiches or breakfast for dinner. Both of those meals are easy to make "lo-cal." Also, if you view your weekends differently, it might help. With your husband gone, make a plan for each day to take a super long walk with your son. Then you get extra calories to play with. Plan each weekend out ahead of time! Light breakfast, long walk, light lunch, son takes a nap (so do you!), do some chores around the house and maybe even another short walk. Then it's night time and you have lots of calories left to eat or drink! (Although I wouldn't recommend drinking too much for lots of reasons!)
  • steph_runn44
    steph_runn44 Posts: 28 Member
    I do what someone above said and bank calories throughout the week. I always have a few drinks and eat more. I usually don't log Saturday nights because it's nice to have a few hours where I'm not thinking about calories. I always drink vodka water to save calories. Yes Monday my weight is a little up compared to Friday morning, but it's usually all gone by Tuesday and I'm back down by Wednesday. I really am trying to make this a lifestyle change and there is no way that I will not have some drinks or go out to dinner with my husband and friends.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,111 Member
    beerfoamy wrote: »
    I weigh in on Tuesdays because of this, just that extra day to 'recover' makes it feel better on the scales.

    I do the opposite and weigh in on a Friday for my tracking purposes because I know Sat - Tues I have a bit extra water retention from if I have a couple of pints/eat out or have a takeaway over the weekend (I weigh daily but don't monitor that in my chart to get an idea of how different things impact it). Come Weds it's usually gone :smile:

    With regards to calories over the weekend, with the exception of the last couple of weeks I eat at my deficit Sunday - Friday and then might eat at maintenance on a Saturday if I fancy a takeaway or I am going out with friends.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Bank the cals during the week and get yourself a shot measure for the booze, even vodka can be quite calorific if you're accidentally pouring yourself triples. As for snacks get some healthy ones to throw in with the normal stuff like crunchy veg and houmous if you usually have crisps/chips and dip so you have half as much of the fattening stuff.

    I also don't know what your situation is and if you can leave the house but could you go out for a walk with your toddler in a pushchair maybe around the block or to the shops and back during the weekend to rack up some extra cals?

    Also watch the cals on those mixers too. Good luck :)