Would love input, ideas, and advice on 30 pound weight loss goal

Hello all!

Fast background: 5'9", female, 28, avid lifter and gym rat for the last three years, lost 40 pounds (50 as of last summer) simply via lifting and small nutrition changes. I recently went in to get a full body spec done and it analyzed me at:

204 pounds
78 pounds fat tissue
119.3 pounds lean tissue
38.2% body fat

current pics of built:


Kind of shocked to fall in the obese range since most wouldn't look at me and classify me as "obese," and I am an energy bunny and work out like crazy, but this was the data I needed to sort of refocus on my goals. :) Love my body as is, but I would love workouts to be easier and to carry less VAT around my belly. So for now, my goal is to hit 168 pounds, trying to fall within the 25%-29% body fat range. My current plan is:
  • Tracking and eating 1600-1700 calories, with on average, a 40/40/30 split
  • Meal planning
  • Limiting "cheat days" to one cheat meal a week, since recent tracking has made me aware of the reality that "cheat days" can easily equal 3500 calories+. My partners love to eat out, so I'm sticking to lower carb, nutritious options when I join them.
  • Carb cycling on rest days.
  • Continuing to lift 4-6 days [depending on my routine at the time]
  • Adding in 3 sessions of HIIT per week
  • Boyfriend also just bought me a FitBit so I am trying to hit 10,000 steps a day regardless of training or rest days, since I work a sedentary job.

I am still unsure about what my caloric range should be. The folks at the testing site said that my RMR is 1539 a day, and to add 10-30% more based on my lifestyle. I'd like to lose 1- 1.5 pounds a week and avoid muscle loss.

Any advice or thoughts would be helpful. My weight loss has been really stubborn lately due to inconsistency in the kitchen and too much eating out my my guys, so I'm really trying to ramp it up and refocus. Thanks for any ideas!