The Daily Diary Thread



  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    Hit the scales this morning and I'm down another pound in 48 hours. lol. Sunday - when I started again - I was 219. This morning I'm 210. I might lose 10 lbs. in one week. The last time that happened I was in the hospital with ruptured appendix! I'm very aware when this initial thing ends it's going to be a slow go. Need to be prepared for those days when I'm up a pound or two. When I'm this heavy I can bounce up and down easily. But I'll take the loss of weight anyway I can! Dinner last night was fantastic. Finished the day at 1488 (12 calories under my daily goal). Just finished a 425 calorie brunch and headed back to work. No idea about dinner tonight.
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    Curious to know if anyone has any opinions on this:
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    billdwyatt wrote: »

    I have an opinion ... That the 2000 calorie a day diet is just an average that won't fit most people. It's a handy frame of reference but each individual's needs will be be different based on their own particulars for things like age, height, weight, activity level, metabolism, etc. So, I was not surprised by the article's conclusion.

    Since I keep records ... I know that my own needs are well below that 2000 average ... but then, I am 72 years old, just under 5'3" and extremely sedintery (always had a desk job and still sit at a desk for most of my waking day during standard business hours). Last year, my average calorie intake for the netire 365 ays was 1885 calories, the year before that it was 1954. I am certain, however, that when I was a young woman raising children and doing hard physical work for several hours a week that it was probably over that amount ... I didn't start to gain weight until I was in my mid-thirties. And i know, during the years around my mid thirties to my mid forties that I frequently overate, both by eating larger volumes of food than I do now, and by eating a lot of dessert or snack type foods on a daily basis, plus drinking soda pop and enjoying alcoholic beverages several times a week as well. But, I didn't track calories back then so I have no idea how much I was actually taking in.
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    edited March 2017
    Completely agree. I have not analyzed my data as you have but I'm fairly certain over 3000 and I'm gaining. 2000 to 3000 and I can lose. Under 2000 and I can call it a diet. A friend of mine used to call me square. I was 30-30 ( 30 inseam, 30 waist) . Now I squeeze into a 38 waist and it's not pretty. One of my incentives for getting back on the wagon is my refusal to buy a pair of 40 pants. In all honesty, I have two closets full of clothes and only one pair of pants I can wear all day. I intend to wash and wear the same pants until they are too big and I can fit in my wardrobe again. Maybe not part of the normal narrative but it's a motivator for me. Over 1500 for the day but under 1600. Fixed salmon and vegetables for dinner.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2017
    That is so funny ... the refusal to buy 40 waist pants ... it reminds me of my dad; well, maybe more so my mom and dad. Dad had a 29 inch inseam. His 'normal' waist, as I recall was 36 least that was the size belt I always bought him as a Christmas gift. After my dad retired, his waist began to creap and mom didn't complain until she had to buy 40 waist pants and then he needed the waist band let out. He got himself back down to a 38s but kept all the 40's anyway, he just wore them with suspenders to keep em up and sinched with an extra hole or two in his belt.
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    My first week back on the wagon:
    0 219.4
    1 216.8
    2 215.6
    3 211.8
    4 didn't weigh
    5 210.8
    6 didn't weigh
    7 210.8

    That's officially a 1-week record for me, but as you can see almost all of it came in the first 3 days. I'm fully prepared for the snail's pace from here on out. I'm down a pound in the last 4 days.

    We had homemade potato soup and a grilled cheese for dinner last night. I had what was left over of the potato soup for lunch today and made half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to go with it.
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    Weighed 209.8 this morning. I'm down another pound!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Recent gain I experienced 9 days ago has finally gone bye-bye. Now to keep the momentum going. Today was a checkpoint (weigh-in goal day) and I missed the mark because of that gain. I have 5 weeks before the next check-point and need to shed 5.2 pounds to be the mark. Don't want to cut calories further than I aim for so will need to increase both activity and dilligence in not going over my caloric intake goals.
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    Well... reality began for me today. I was up 1.8 pounds at 211.0. Yesterday I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a few chips for lunch and a 2-egg omelet for dinner with a piece of toast. Finished almost 300 calories below my goal. This is the way it always goes for me - after that initial loss is over.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Yeah ... this morning I am up also, and by 3.6 pounds! ... I bounce around on my weight when I let carbs, or should I say certain carbs, comb back into my food plan. This always leads to an uptick in weight. And it also leads to craving fatty/salty food as well. Just need to remind myself that the best way to stay stable is to be consistent and to cook my meals instead of taking the easy way out.
  • j_trea1
    j_trea1 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm fairly new to my fitness pal, and have just started looking through the community pages and find your thread and found it interesting. I have always been into exercising but 5 years ago suffered a neck and back injury so I can relate to the medical issues causing difficulties with weight loss/ control. Some things I noticed reading through the thread there was a mention about the 2000 calorie diet, everyone's needs are absolutely different. The amount of calories required per day actually is affected by age, gender, activity level, body composition, and I'm sure there are others I'm missing but that is just off the top of my head. The other thing I saw I believe it was Bill that brought it up was sodium. You absolutely need sodium in your body as it directly affects nerve impulses and a few other things, but if you take in to much then you wind up retaining more water and as I believe Bill also pointed out is about 1 pound per 16 ounces, it doesn't take much to make the scale go the wrong way. A little more background on me, I'm currently semi-retired in my early 40's going to school to be an x-ray tech, which is where I picked up the insight on sodium and calorie needs. I'm currently trying to find the right weight by how I feel, I haven't been on a scale in over 18 months because I didn't like what it said at 240. I have felt good anywhere between 195 and 210, but that also was more active then I can be with the neck and back injuries so I can't say fit sure what weight I'll feel good at now until I hit it. I know I'm a few days behind where you are with the sodium and calorie thing, but I saw it and wanted to throw in my 2 cents with the information I learned from anatomy and physiology to add a little more understanding to the salt calorie thing.
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    What are the "certain carbs"?
  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    Hello! I've been trying (but not hard enough) to get back on the wagon and truly make some healthy changes in my life. I love that only a few people are posting on this site. Some posts seem to get out of control so quickly with the number of people. I'd like to join your group and try to post daily for accountability and support.
  • j_trea1
    j_trea1 Posts: 20 Member
    Bill are you asking me about the "certain carbs"? If so I'm not sure I follow what you are asking.
  • NoAnalHere
    NoAnalHere Posts: 97 Member
    So I eat 1500 a day or at least that's what it's set to. I go between IF and snacking. I'm not doing IF for the health benefits, just to manage my eating. I just forgo breakfast and continue with my day for IF. If I'm fasting I do 500c lunch, 700c dinner, 300c snacks, when I'm not I just switch the lunch calories for breakfast and don't snack. Seems to be working for me. This morning was one of the those days were I ate breakfast and I ain't even mad lol. I basically had a smaller portion of my dinner last night (chili) minus the rice stuffed into a pita. Super satisfied right now.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2017
    billdwyatt wrote: »
    What are the "certain carbs"?

    For me those "certain carbs" are ones with too much starch or sugar in them. Too much fat in a product doesn't seem to trigger it. Too much salt only makes me more thirsty when it comes from an oversalted dish, but if it comes from something like potato chips ... watch out Niki!

    And, it seems like the starchy carbs are wheat based rather than things like squash or potatotes, or other grains like buckwheat, oatmeal, etc. The sugary foods that are easy to overeat on are dried fruits but I have had fresh fruit trigger frequent consumption ... like grapes and cherries, peaches but not nectarines, oranges but not grapefruits. ... weird!

    Then I end up overeating and have both too many calories and too many carbs in a day, which wreacks havoc with fluid retention and additional cravings. ...
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    I understand. My hematologist tells me to carry a bag of celery with me and munch from it all day. Might give it a try. Finished the day under 1200. I want that pound gone.
  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    I wish I could munch on a bag of carrots all day instead of celery - that would work for me! Too many carbs/too much sugar, though. :(
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    That's a good idea @billdwyatt ... carry celery around with me. I enjoy a stalk at one time; more than that at one time leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not a muncher though and don't eat between meals in my normal routine. It's more that when I do have the 'certain carbs' I'm hungry much sooner than normal and cannot satisfy the desire to eat more. Thus, instead of eating every 3.5 to 4.5 hours, I'm searching for food every 2 hours. That, and a recent penchant for raisins before bed.
  • billdwyatt
    billdwyatt Posts: 57 Member
    Carrots would work for me too @rdevol ... You know Nikion901, I'm not a muncher either. Don't snack between meals and I'm not hung up on sweets either. Not that I don't enjoy them if I'm offered, but left to myself I don't crave sweets and don't search them out.

    I was 211.0 again this morning. No movement at all. My wife invited me to take her to lunch today. I got the "plate special"... country style steak and gravy, pinto beans, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and black eyed peas. Honey hush. The calculator on here says it was between 800 and 900 calories. Looks like I'm in for a small dinner tonight.