Questions for those who lost 30 or more lbs



  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    1. What was your starting weight and height?
    181lbs and 5'3.
    2. What is your current weight/goal weight?
    141lbs (40lbs lost so far) and my goal is 126 (15lbs to go) and then I will reassess.
    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal?
    I tatted properly last August and I'm not yet at my goal.
    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward?
    i still feel like the exact same girl. I don't feel like I even look much different and I only have 15lbs left to go. Your brain is a weird thing... after almost 3 stone I still feel like the fat girl and like losing another 15lbs won't change much.
    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it?
    Ive noticed that strangers are more friendly! People will hold the door open and say good morning to you on the street. My family are very supportive and supposedly inspired, one of my friends (who started off bigger than me) tries to get me to eat and then makes me feel bad when I refuse.
    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically?
    Its tough. Don't let anyone tell you differently.
    It gets a lot easier and your body gets used to eating less and doesn't become hungry as often.
    If you find yourself binging regularly, up your calories.
    It's not a race, you don't need to lose 2lb every week.
    Your mind will play tricks on you, so take progress photos! I can't see a difference when I look into the mirror, I still feel 40lbs heavier. But in pictures I see the difference.

    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)?
    I don't have periods due to my PCOS so I can't answer this one.
    8. Did your skin change?
    Id say my skin was slightly clearer. But I don't think that's down to weight loss and I don't eat any differently, so I put that down to drinking more water.
    9. Anything weird happen to you at all?
    Notice my bones was weird... I've never been able to see/feel my bones. When my collar bones started to show I became OBSESSED with touching them! Kept making my mum touch then too lol.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    1. What was your starting weight and height? 180 lbs/5'4"
    2. What is your current weight/goal weight? 133 - got to goal weight of 125 last year and I'm trying to get under 130 again- goal is just to maintain in a 5 pound range of 125-130
    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal? about 20 months
    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward? I felt proud of myself because I never thought I'd get down to what my driver's license said (150) let alone 25 pound under that; I felt more confident with my own body- I have never been athletic (last picked for teams in school, etc) and I have taken up cycling. I am not the fastest or greatest, but I can now ride 25-30 miles which is something I thought I'd never be able do do
    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it? People have noticed and complimented me at work- the male coworkers I think don't say much because it's a little awkward. My family lives far away so every time they'd see me they'd gush over how much I'd lost, so much so that it kind of became embarrassing- it's like, okay, new subject, stop it
    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically? Just learn to trust the process, forgive yourself for little slip ups and get right back on it. You won't be perfect the whole time and that's okay. Don't do anything you can't do for the long term (e.g, no carbs, etc), make it gradual- once you get used to one habit start another one (I no longer drink diet soda- just don't like it anymore).
    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)? Yes but that's probably because I'm going to through peri-menopause and nothing to do with weight loss
    8. Did your skin change? Not really no
    9. Anything weird happen to you at all? Because of my age, my neck to me looks kind of older because I don't have a cushion of fat an no double chin anymore. So not sure if I love that part of it, which is weird. It's like- double chin or turkey neck? Hmmmm, which is worse?
  • hayliegrace88
    hayliegrace88 Posts: 16 Member
    1. What was your starting weight and height? 5'6 230 pounds
    2. What is your current weight/goal weight? 5'6 149.8 pounds
    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal? 2 years
    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward? I defiantly have a lot more confidence
    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it? No not really I mean guys actually look at me now but I'm happily married so it doesn't phase me. They're pigs.
    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically? It's so so hard but keep pushing because you can do anything you set your mind to.
    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)? I'm 28 mother of two and lately I've had ready tenderness as a pms symptom.
    8. Did your skin change? I don't think so
    9. Anything weird happen to you at all? No. I just feel happier and feel unstoppable because I've lost 80 pounds!
  • maybe1pe
    maybe1pe Posts: 529 Member
    maybe1pe wrote: »
    I'm still losing but I'll answer :)

    1. What was your starting weight and height? I'm 5'5" and started at 281
    2. What is your current weight/goal weight? Currently I'm 193 GW: not sure
    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal? I started losing almost 2 years ago. BUT I had some personal life problems including but not limited to multiple job changes and moves and an ugly divorce during that time which definitely slowed me down.
    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward?
    I did and do feel different. For a while I definitely felt awkward - I still do sometimes - but also for sure have way more confidence in myself and my abilities than I used to.

    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it?
    My friends and family not so much. Co-workers not really because I've switched jobs a couple times. So my coworkers now have never seen me at my heaviest. People do seem more polite now. Like with holding open doors and saying thank you, etc. But I'm not sure if that's them noticing me or me having more confidence in myself. I get more male attention (annoying since I'm a lesbian) but I just ignore it. I do also get more female attention, both romantic and non-romantic.

    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically?
    Personally the last 87 lbs have been a rollercoaster. Somedays I'm up and somedays I'm down. One second I can look at myself and see a HUGE difference and the next second I still feel like I weigh 281. I get emotional sometimes when I think about how far I've come and then just as emotional and upset when I think about how far I have to go. Just be kind to yourself and I try to remember that I'm not where I want to be yet but neither am I where I was. Also consider it a lifestyle change and not a diet.

    You can do it!

    To add for your added questions:
    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)?
    Actually yes, I'm much more regular now and feel better if I actually make an effort to exercise while on my period instead of being lazy
    8. Did your skin change?
    Again yes, my skin is much clearer and less dry - possibly because of increased water consumption?
    9. Anything weird happen to you at all?
    Plenty of weird stuff happened but all good
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    1. What was your starting weight and height? 5'11, 320 lbs
    2. What is your current weight/goal weight? 207 lbs, 160-175lbs goal, unsure since I've never been in the normal weight range.
    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal? I'm not at goal yet, but my highest weight was January 2015
    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward? I have a little bit of confidence in that I no longer feel like people are staring at me or judging me all the time, but I still feel awkward if I'm outside jogging or at the gym.
    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it? For the most part, no. My friend's father does go to my gym though and he makes comments all the time about how I should meet up with her and encourage her to lose weight too.
    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically? Don't expect the scale to move in a linear manner. So many things can make your weight temporarily go up, and it's going to bounce all over the place sometimes. It doesn't mean you're not making progress. Look at trends. If the overall trend is up or staying the same, you might need to cut another 100 calories or tighten up your logging. It's definitely going to be hard sometimes, and maybe you'll feel like giving up, but it's worth it. If you find yourself needing a break from it mentally or emotionally, maybe try maintaining for a few weeks/months, then go at it again.
    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)? For the most part my cramps have been better, but this last month killed me. I spent two whole days feeling like I was going to be sick at any minute and ended up needing a heat pack, which I haven't used in ages. I also found my cycle to be more irregular, I was bleeding every two weeks for a while, but I think that might have been the pill I was on. My doctor changed it and it improved.
    8. Did your skin change? Nope.
    9. Anything weird happen to you at all? My feet shrunk, which is only bad because I'm now in a half-size. I've come to love that I can feel my rib cage and hip bones while laying down, even though it's also uncomfortable sometimes.
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    I'm also still losing but will answer.

    1. What was your starting weight and height? 5'11", 237 lbs

    2. What is your current weight/goal weight? Current - 185.2, goal - 155 (that may change as I continue to lose)

    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal? Not there yet. I started on MFP in April 2015 but quit tracking a couple of times and gained some weight back. I've been tracking without a break since July 2016. I've lost over half of my 51 lbs since then.

    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward? I definitely have more confidence now. I actually like going shopping for clothes and have fun getting dressed in the morning. I have a lot more energy too and I actually look for excuses to be active instead of just sitting at home.

    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it? My family and coworkers have been great. My best friend is having trouble adjusting to the new me. We used to go out drinking craft beer every weekend and I just don't want to do all the time anymore. I've been trying to include her in things I enjoy but she rarely accepts my offers. I'm an introvert and don't have a lot of close friends so it has been tough not having her around as much.

    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically? Expect to have bad days. I've had many days since July where I just want to quit but then I remember when I quit in 2015 and again in early 2016 and gained weight back. I could have been much closer to my ultimate goal if I'd just stuck with it. Don't try to make it a race, take your time. I think the main reason I've kept chugging along since July is that I finally realized that it doesn't matter how long it takes to lose the weight, the important thing is losing it and figuring out how to make this my new normal.

    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)? I have endometriosis and I've noticed I have less bad days. My cycle seems to have shortened by a couple of days too.

    8. Did your skin change? Not really. I've always had problem skin though, even when I was thin in my 20s.

    9. Anything weird happen to you at all? Not really.
  • lizcomeback86
    lizcomeback86 Posts: 17 Member
    Still loosing but I will answer as well :)

    1. What was your starting weight and height?
    My height is 5"10 and I started my weight loss journey at 289 pounds

    2. What is your current weight/goal weight?
    My current weight is 244.8 and my goal is 206/210

    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal?
    Still working on that I stumble and fall but everyday I pushing forward hopefully I will reach my goal by Sept/Oct

    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward?
    I feel different in a sense that I feel lighter, When you loose alot of weight you feel so much better(alive)

    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it?
    I will say more men are quick to try and hit on me but to late im engaged lol...Other than that everyone has always treated me the same because on the inside im loveable, straightforward, funny and cool to be around:)

    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically?
    Mentally I have to realize I am not the woman I am from when I started this journey, I have to stop seeing myself as the fat woman and start enjoying the new 60lbs mark mentally/physically and emotionally prepare yourself to think postive abotu yourself and not negative and enjoy your life but I will feel you in on that when I get there:)

    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)?
    The more weight I loose my period is shorter, lighter and not as heavy

    8. Did your skin change?
    9. Anything weird happen to you at all?

  • Rhody_Hoosier
    Rhody_Hoosier Posts: 688 Member
    1. What was your starting weight and height?
    286 lbs. 6 ft. 0 in.
    2. What is your current weight/goal weight?
    215 pounds and 12% b.f.
    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal?
    still working. current weight 224.xx and approximately 20% b.f.
    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward?
    I feel sharper mentally. I feel more relaxed in most situations, less on edge, less paranoid that people are judging me for my weight.
    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I don't talk to my exes. You shouldn't either. And definitely looked at differently by strangers. "Oh you must be so happy now..." is the most common comment I get.
    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically? Be ready for off days is the biggest thing I found. There were days I had to walk away from the scale and head to the gym and just keep "chopping wood" and not worry about the results. It can be very disheartening to work really hard and see the scale go up 2 pounds, but eventually if you keep working at it things head in the right direction.
    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)? Doesn't apply.
    8. Did your skin change? Yes. My skin is healthier and hydrated from drinking more water and sweating on the regular.
    9. Anything weird happen to you at all...nothing of note, but I'm sure something will happen eventually. I did have another man walk up to me at the gym and tell me he thought I was hot. That's never happened before. I wouldn't call it weird. Just a bit shocking that someone would be so forthright.
  • lokilover32
    lokilover32 Posts: 31 Member
    1. I'm 5'2" and my starting weight was 225.7
    2. My current weight is 134.2 and my goal weight right now is 130 and then I'll see how I feel after that and if I want to lose anymore
    3. I have not reached my goal yet but in almost 2 years I have lost 91.5 lbs
    4. I felt very awkward before I lost any weight. Once I did lose a good amount of weight I gained an enormous amount of self confidence!
    5. I did notice strangers talking to me more. As for family and friends they treated me the same way, with love and kindness and respect. They all told me how proud there were (and still are of me) for making such a big change and sticking with it
    6. Expect a lot more confidence in yourself! :)
    7. Yes, my period has gotten shorter during a few cycles than longer in other cycles. although the cramps have not lightened at all (still have those pains like it feels that someone is stabbing me repeatedly with a hot knife in my lower back, my sides and lower abdomen)
    8. Nope
    9. Not really anything weird unless you want to count a faster matabolism as weird lol!
  • pepotchkiy
    pepotchkiy Posts: 9 Member
    1. What was your starting weight and height?

    5ft. 245pounds (very short and really heavy)

    3. What is your current weight/goal weight?

    current weight is 166/goal weight as of now is 150 ('coz I put myself into achievable pounds goal so I won't be stress out in losing and losing and forgetting how to have fun even if am "trying" to lose weight :))

    5. How long did it take you to reach your goal?

    Still working towards my goal. I started my journey February 2014 until now... (the struggle is real)

    7. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward?

    I am more confident. And it took some of the awkwardness before in getting into places where my size would be a factor. Like getting into airplane seats. :(

    9. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it?

    I have been heavy since I was a baby. I was 202 pounds by the time I graduated High school. When I decided to lose weight at age 38, my Mom was my critic, said I couldn't possibly 'coz I was just "made" like that.... but I kept on... and Now my Mama always say to her friends that what happened to me is a miracle :) even if am still a bit heavy for my height.

    Admiration and inspiration from my co-workers.

    I got married. :)

    11. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically?

    I assure you there will be plenty of discouragements ahead... hungry nights, sore muscles, tired body. But press on... always remember that the pain your suffering now does not even compare the sense of achievement and joy when you see yourself in the mirror in a dress you thought you could never fit into. :). And if you over eat today (went beyond the 1200 Cal Myfitnesspal suggested :)) shake it off and begin again. Tomorrow is always another day to start all over again...

    13. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)?

    when I was 245 pounds I only have my period every 3 or 4 months! Now, it's already a monthly visitor.

    15. Did your skin change?

    yes, became brighter and fine. Sweat is the best moisturizer.

    17. Anything weird happen to you at all?

    I got bells palsy in the 4th month of my weight loss journey. It lasted for a month until it went completely away.

    Thank you! :)

    God bless to you and take heart!
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    1. What was your starting weight and height? 259 lbs 5'8"
    2. What is your current weight/goal weight? Current: 214, Goal: ?
    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal? About 8 months
    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward? Both. Awkward because I'm no longer invisible to people. Confidence because more females like the way I look now
    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it? Massively. Alot females were more "flirty", most gave alot of compliments freely. One male coworker said I inspired him to make some changes in his life.
    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically? Hopefully a sense of responsibility. My daughter (who has weight problems of her own) said I've been an inspiration for her and to me that has been MASSIVELY humbling
    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)? No. Different plumbing I guess
    8. Did your skin change? Nope.
    9. Anything weird happen to you at all? I'm enjoying clothes shopping again and REALLY, REALLY enjoy my meals. I've also have become obsessed with fun socks. I'm wearing Iron Man socks today, which I would NEVER have done when I was heavier.

    For reference my before and after (actually the after is 35lbs lighter)
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member

    I only just passed the 30 lbs lost this week (yay! At 32 lbs down now!) But I have a similar amount to lose that you do.
    1. 5'8 " 215
    2. CW 183. GW 140 ish
    3. I've lost these 32 lbs in just under 6 months. The first few months were slow though. (I wasn't really tracking )
    4. Im just now STARTING to feel like I'm actually losing. Although plenty of my clothes have been falling off me for some time, I have bounced around in the last 25 lbs for 3 or 4 years now. Now I've broken through the barrier of what's been my lowest weight in the last 4 years. So I finally feel like I'm actually seriously doing this.
    5. People have said nice things to me but have also (nicely) asked if I'm OK or if I'm sick. Im still 40 lbs from my goal and in the overweight category , so I'm def not too skinny or anything. I just think they see weight loss and wonder if it's OK. When I told them it was on purpose, they were happy for me. I have great friends . :) I have one friend who is super fit and pretty and she will often tell me how great I'm looking (or point it out to friends) which I find especially supportive for some reason. I do think that sometimes people get treated differently when they lose a bunch of weight but I wonder if it's not that they are so much happier and self confident and people are reacting to that (as opposed to people just being "nicer cause you're skinny" which I've heard people complain about)
    6. It?s not gonna be fast and there will be times you are doing everything right and the scale doesn't budge for a week or two. Don't worry. Just keep to a plan. Also I find I'm a little obsessed with MFP now. Im constantly on here and while that is awesome, I'm hoping I can become a bit more balanced as time goes on.
    7. No change for me
    8. Nothing I've noticed
    9. I suddenly have a pocket of fat that is literally hanging near my inner thigh. I don't really even carry my weight there ! It looks gross and I'm freaked out by it a bit but I'm just breathing and continuing (upping my exercise) and I figure if it's still there when I hit my goal weight THEN I will worry about it.

  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    edited February 2017
    1. What was your starting weight and height? 5'11", 355 pounds
    2. What is your current weight/goal weight? 240...not done yet goaL is 220, but stuck at plateau for about 2 months now
    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal? 11 months
    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward? feeling better all around. everything from tying my shoes to wiping easier
    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it? not treated differently but lots of positive comments AND a few were concerned i was ill (nope), some thought i had surgery(nope), some asked how i did it and asked for advice in losing
    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically? Hope you like buying clothes....i dont so i weighted until i went from 50 waist to 44 and my pants hung on me like a clown, and my 4 xl shirts too. Now i xl shirts and 38 paints
    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)? Male here so nope
    8. Did your skin change? got some saggy skin on stomach
    9. Anything weird happen to you at all? nope
    I did zero exercise...just started eating low carb high fat and limited my cals to 1500

  • Veet705
    Veet705 Posts: 13 Member
    1. What was your starting weight and height?
    5'6" 196

    2. What is your current weight/goal weight?
    CW 161 GW 135

    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal?
    I started losing November last year

    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward?
    Way more confidence, my clothes fit better and I feel better

    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it?
    My coworker noticed and is very supportive of my weight loss. My only family is my Mom and she is trying to lose weight with me so over all everyone has been very supportive. I feel extremely lucky.

    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically?
    I beat my self up a lot for "messing up", you are probably going to come harder down on yourself than anyone else will. When the going gets tough remember its a journey not a sprint. As long as you keep going you WILL see results.

    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)?
    I have PMDD, the change I have seen is my PMDD symptoms have been drastically reduced with regular exercise. I have way less depression and mood swings before my period now. For my actual period I seem to have lost a day, I don't know if its age or weight loss but it lasts for 1 heavy, 4 light now instead of 2 heavy 5 light.

    8. Did your skin change?
    My skin is much clearer but I think this is due to my increased water intake, I went from drinking almost no water in a day to drinking over 100 oz per day.

    9. Anything weird happen to you at all?
    My boobs are sitting a little lower than they used to. Sad but not as bad as being 200lbs.
  • LillysMomma09
    LillysMomma09 Posts: 272 Member
    1. What was your starting weight and height?
    223 and 5'6

    2. What is your current weight/goal weight?
    CW 184 - GW, not sure yet

    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal?
    I lost my first 30 about 10 months in to my journey, but I fell down A LOT.. I call that living with a family that has lots of get togethers that always have yummy food. :-)

    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward?
    More confident for sure!

    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it?
    Not really treated differently by people I know... hit on more and looked at more by men I don't know. I'm a happily married woman, I don't like getting hit on.. but noticing that you're being looked at by a good looking man sure does make you feel good. :blush:

    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically?
    Give your brain a while to catch up with what you really look like after loosing. My brain still saw the old me in the mirror, it wasn't until I saw a picture that my brain saw the new me.

    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)?
    I haven't noticed much change here.

    8. Did your skin change?
    I haven't noticed much change here either.

    9. Anything weird happen to you at all?
    Not really. Just be patient with yourself. For me, I'm on a marathon not a sprint. That's why I don't beat myself up when I indulge with get togethers. I just pick up the next day and keep on going. But this method also makes weight loss slower. But it keeps my sanity.

    Good luck to you on your journey, however you may do it!
  • ForMe2No
    ForMe2No Posts: 235 Member
    edited February 2017
    1. What was your starting weight and height? 285.9lbs 5' 4

    2. What is your current weight/goal weight? Current weight 148.9 goal 145 ish

    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal? About 18 months to reach my goal size of 8. In April it will be 2 years since I started. I really don't want to be any smaller I just want to have a little wiggle room so those few lbs I tend to gain around my TOM stop freaking me out.

    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward? Both I feel more confident and awkward at the same time and even sometimes I feel guilty or like I can't be happy or show or express my happiness because it sometimes makes others feel bad.

    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it? I'm a real homebody and don't really have many friends. But the people I call my friends overall treat me the same...a few negative remarks here and there but I know they don't mean any harm. Their remarks seem more envious than anything. Family yes. Most treat me the same or became nicer and one or two stopped communicating with me. No real change in coworkers and two of my coworkers I happen to call my friends. One ask my fashion opinion now or talk about clothing with me and the other occasionally makes remarks about my size. Strangers do seem nicer. I've had men actually run to catch a door to hold open for me. I'm starting not to worry so much abut what others think or how they react to my weightloss...good or bad. I remind myself that I didn't do it for them. I did it for my health and the fact that I look much better is a bonus. I'm proud of my accomplishments and I feel better than I ever have in my whole adult life. I don't flaunt my loss to anyone as I don't like being the center of attention but I'm starting to learn that I don't have to hold back either when others mention or ask questions or give compliments.

    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically? You should expect a lot of changes in all those areas mentioned. Some days will be easy some days with be hard. Some days you will see the loss and some days you wont'. Some days you will feel like it is not happening fast enough. Don't give up keep pushing you will get there. Some days you will feel like you look worse than you did before you started as some people lose weight or can see weight loss in one area before they see it in another...just keep pushing it will work itself out. At some point you will probably start to feel cold all the time. There are too many to mention. There is a thread on here somewhere something like "unexpected results or what nobody told you/me about weightloss" find this thread very interesting read.

    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)? Yes period heavier and longer but more regular...this could be due to my age as well..getting awfully close to the half a century mark.

    8. Did your skin change? yes a few different times. seems like it got better and then got worse. This probably has to do with the amount of weight I lost.

    9. Anything weird happen to you at all? Lots of weird things. Lately the most weird thing is the fact that my tailbone swells during my TOM. I seem to burn myself a lot...well maybe not a lot but this may be due to the fact that I cook a lot more. I bite my lip and my tongue a lot.

    Hope I didn't scare you...:-) The journey has been full of ups and downs but totally worth it. When I started I was on 3 prescribed medications. Now I'm completely off those meds and control all my health issues with diet and exercise. Best of luck to you on your journey.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    1. What was your starting weight and height?
    January 25, 2016, 272.4 lb, 5'10", or 70 ".

    2. What is your current weight/goal weight?
    CW: 177.6 lb GW 160 lb

    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal?
    My goal is not yet reached.

    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward?
    I have no more confidence than I had before, which was nil. I do not feel awkward now nor did I then.

    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it?
    I have not been treated differently by anyone except a few people at church who ask about my progress. Prior to this, I was very willing to be unnoticed by them.

    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically?
    Loose skin. Rude people. Self-doubt. Despair. Bigger muscles. Helpful people. Confidence. Joy.

    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)?
    Negatory. That would be in the realm of woo if I claimed otherwise.

    8. Did your skin change?
    No. I had atopic dermatitis before and still do.

    9. Anything weird happen to you at all?
    My blood pressure dropped from high to borderline low. My resting heart rate fell from 70 to 50. I collected a lot of mfp friends who are ballerinas and bodybuilders.
  • RandiNoelle
    RandiNoelle Posts: 374 Member
    1. What was your starting weight and height?
    I'm 5'7" ; myy highest weight was close to 300 lbs; I was 247 lbs when I started MFP in April of 2016

    2. What is your current weight/goal weight?
    My current weight is 176 lbs; my dream goal weight is 145 lbs

    3. How long did it take you to reach your goal?
    Still in the process, hopefully by September

    4. Did you feel different, mentally? e.g. did you have more confidence or did you feel awkward?
    Absolutely! I still feel awkward. I haven't quiet adjusted to not being the biggest person in the room.

    5. Were you treated differently by family, friends, coworkers, exes, people who never used to talk to you, even strangers? Just anybody at all? And in what way? How did you take it?
    Yep! I've worked at the same place (front desk, admin assistant) since I was at my heaviest. People remark on how "small" I've gotten all the time. I'm open about the lifestyle change I've made. It's mostly women in my office and we talk openly about exercise, fitness, food. There is one co-worker, in particular, who has also lost some weight (from 210 to 170) and we like to talk about the nuances of weight loss/working out.

    6. Is there anything that I should expect on my 60 lb weight loss journey, mentally, emotionally, and physically?
    You will more than likely have loose skin. Don't let it deter you! Losing weight is hard. Be proud of the work you've put in to make this change happen!

    7. Have you had any period changes (cramps, shorter periods, etc)?
    Yes to shorter periods. From 7 - 8 days down to 3. And they're lighter to. The cramps are still there though.

    8. Did your skin change?
    I've always taken good care of my skin. I still get breakouts and hives when I get stressed.

    9. Anything weird happen to you at all?
    I can do a full push-up! I can run a full mile! Minute-long planks are a breeze! I ASK for the smaller portion of dessert! Lots of small-big changes to how I live my day-to-day life I never thought I'd make.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    1. 5'3"and 208 lbs

    2.CW 143 GW 125

    3. Years of slow losses, medical setbacks and finding the right plan

    4. I definitely feel more confident. I feel beautiful. I dress and present myself more ladylike because I care more about my appearance. I talk and socialize more and am more assertive. Before I was bitter and angry about my weight and took it out on everyone else. What I didn't take out on people I buried with food. I looked and acted like Rasputia from Norbitt.

    5. I get called vain alot because when I wasn't walking around with an attitude I just didn't speak to people (see above). So people are still adjusting to the new me who cares for my needs. I don't put up with any old garbage from people so I've let go of a lot of bad relationships and put some people on guard and demand respect , making them uneasy. Most have adjusted and see compromise but thete are some who feel that everything was easier when I was bigger. They actually prefered me bigger, because most of the attention was on them (kinda like the fat friend thing). I get the too skinny thing from my overweight family members, but tell them I'm losing weight for health reasons (bad family health history and fibromyalgia) and they leave me alone.

    6. Expect change and a continual learning process. Don't get stagnant. Keep setting goals. Expect relationships to change. Don't expect everyone to be happy or supportive of your goals. Motivation comes and goes, so don't count on that- just do what you have to do each day, or fake it til you make it. Find a plan and foods you enjoy, but enjoy the process. You have this for life.

    7. No

    8. No more monster blackheads

    9. My arms finally toned up and I can do a ridiculous amount of pushups! I have the top 2 abs and oblique definition down to my hipbones. When my stomach fat came down I discovered a double hernia and ended up getting surgery. I recovered and was back to work in 2 weeks, back to core work in a month!

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