Maintain weight but get stronger?

Hey I'm at 65kg which I'm very comfortable with but I want to gain muscle and strength as well as tone up. Any suggestions as to how I go about this would be great! TIA


  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    I just entered maintenance and have the same goal you have. I found this thread to be extremely helpful:
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    edited February 2017
    You will need weight lifting. The amount of time you spend will depend on your goals and the amount of time you have with other commitments.

    A good place to start is here.

    For beginners, you'll probably be looking at a full body workout about 3 times per week and it'll cost you about 45 minutes at home or the gym each workout.

    There is one important consideration. You need to make it a habit so however you make this work is fine. Is it 15 minutes each day for 6 days? Is it 15 in the morning and 30 in the evening, 3 days per week? Anything is ok.

    You'll need to form the Workout out of thousands of different types of exercises which is daunting. The best exercises are often the classic free weight ones. They work multiple muscle groups well so they're very efficient. They are also convenient in that they typically only require Dumbbells or barbells. Here's a short list to start with, then branch off from there as you feel comfortable.
    Dumbbell clean and presses
    Romanian Squat
    Bench press or Floor Press if you don't have a bench
    Military Press
    Push ups and pull-ups (if you have a bar) are also great

    One of my favourites at the moment is a Weighted Russian Twist.

    No matter what you choose, you need to measure your progress. You measure it by volume. That is, either the same number of reps with more weight, or more reps with the same weight. Start simple, do 3 sets of 8 reps each. Next time do 9 reps, next time 10. Then add 5 lbs and drop down to 8 reps again.

    Write everything down. Do a google search on " how to keep a Workout journal". Don't bother with many of the apps out there except "Strong" or "JEFIT" they're very simple and show progress. The best app is often just a notebook and pencil. Nothing better than looking back over your last month and seeing you can lift more than you did last month. That's how you'll measure your strength gains.

    Best of luck
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I did stronglifts 5x5 and got stronger without gaining weight.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    The fact is you're not going to gain weight unless you eat consistently over maintenance. The same CICO math that said eating below it will result in weight loss.
  • reyoflightphoto
    reyoflightphoto Posts: 76 Member
    I vote for Stronglifts. It worked for me. Now I do 5-3-1. Which is pretty similar. I don't really care what my weight does. I just want to get stronger. I do care if I gain fat. Not ok with that. I hope to continue losing fat. So far it's working out. I eat a little under maintenance and lift heavy. If I reach my fat percentage goal I will eat right at maintenance and keep lifting. If I stop moving forward in strength I will slightly up my calories.
    A lot of people prefer to bulk and cut to build muscle faster. That's an option too. I don't, because I HATE cutting! I am fine with slow going as long as I move forward. Just depends on your goals and how fast you want to achieve them and what you are willing to put into it.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I vote for Stronglifts. It worked for me. Now I do 5-3-1. Which is pretty similar. I don't really care what my weight does. I just want to get stronger. I do care if I gain fat. Not ok with that. I hope to continue losing fat. So far it's working out. I eat a little under maintenance and lift heavy. If I reach my fat percentage goal I will eat right at maintenance and keep lifting. If I stop moving forward in strength I will slightly up my calories.
    A lot of people prefer to bulk and cut to build muscle faster. That's an option too. I don't, because I HATE cutting! I am fine with slow going as long as I move forward. Just depends on your goals and how fast you want to achieve them and what you are willing to put into it.

    This is the way I'm going about it, too. And it is slow progress, but I don't care, because it seems to be an uncomplicated, long-term sustainable strategy. It works just fine for me and my goals. :)