Teachers in late 20s

I am a teacher and have been for about six years. I love my job but I feel sometimes I prioritize my work over taking care of myself. How do you stay motivated to exercise and make good eating choices daily? What do you eat to give you the strength to be on your feet all day and then workout?


  • steph_runn44
    steph_runn44 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I'm also a teacher and I coach too. I realized that for myself I needed to work out before school. I was always so tired after school and never had any motivation and then skipped my workout. Now I work out 3-4 days before school and on the weekends. As for food I've been eating yogurt with granola and some strawberries and bananas. For lunch I'll have a turkey sandwich with some veggies and fruit. When I start getting hungry during the day I just chew gum and drink some water. I'm usually so busy during the day that I don't realize that I'm hungry. Good luck!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I run before the school day, anywhere from 3-10 miles, depending on if I'm race training or not. Coffee is, for me, like most runners, essential. As far as food. A whole wheat bagel with cream cheese to start the day, and lunch that's normally left overs from the previous night, since I do all the cooking, it's always something I'll like.