Do you skip meals?



  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    i purposely skip meals not sure why half the people here are hating on it

    I like to eat late night and hate breakfast/sometimes lunch -so thats exactly what i do. No harm there
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I don't usually skip meals only because I like to eat. I regularly eat a high number of calories at 9 pm and it never impacted my weight loss.

    I do skip breakfast on occasion, or just have coffee with lots of milk in place of breakfast, when I know I have a big lunch planned. But that's only when I'm in weight loss mode and not maintenance. And it's intentional.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I skip meals rarely because I get hungry. I may try and put off breakfast in the morning so I can have brunch instead. If I'm not hungry I won't eat, if I'm (legitimately) hungry, I'll eat.
    As far as eatin at night, the only reason I've seen not to is a study that showed people were consuming a lot of calories at night. Don't eat a bunch of calories that puts you over your goal and voila!
  • CrazyCatLady916
    CrazyCatLady916 Posts: 29 Member
    i love eating so i don't skip meals too often, not on purpose anyways.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    delisha527 wrote: »
    I don't mean on purpose. For example today I got off work at 5 ran a few errands went to the gym and by the time I look up it's 830 .... I go to bed by 1030. Would you still have dinner late even tho your going to end up sleeping soon which I heard isn't good to do or do you just fast and lay it down for bed?

    Eating before bed would be bad for you if you have acid relux. Otherwise meal timing isn't relevant for weight loss.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    I wouldn't eat a heavy meal before bed, personally, because I'm prone to digestive trouble at night, but I would have something light like tea and toast, because if I had nothing I would end up feeling weird in the morning. Hunger is not that relevant for me, in that situation I would have long since gone past hunger and into nausea.

    But that's just me. It's all about self knowledge.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Not really. I eat at regular times. If I had to eat late one day I would.
    If I wasn't hungry and had eaten most of my calories I might not eat.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,221 Member
    Depends on what you mean by skipping meals. I only eat two meals a day most of the time so a lot of people would accuse me of skipping breakfast. However, my daily calories are met in those two meals so I'm not short anything at the end of the day. Meal timing and/or frequency have zero bearing on weight loss.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited February 2017
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    i purposely skip meals not sure why half the people here are hating on it

    I like to eat late night and hate breakfast/sometimes lunch -so thats exactly what i do. No harm there

    I don't see anyone hating on it...I only saw one post say not to skip meals. Most of what I'm seeing is that people would probably not skip it due to it not being a bad thing to eat later at night...but only one comment saying not to skip. I think most people are just addressing the myth that eating late is somehow bad for you.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I pretty much skip breakfast everyday. No reason not to skip meals if it works best for you as long as you don't have blood sugar issues, even then you store enough glycogen for 18-24 hours in your liver.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I don't miss meals because I like to eat. I may not always eat all my allotted calories, but I eat. I do eat within an hour of my workout, because if I don't I feel like I am starving and it keeps me from eating everything in the world. I usually take a nap when I get off work. On the weekends if I wake up at 10:00 pm and I am hungry then I eat. Normally it is nothing heavy so I am fine when I go to sleep.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Sure. I skip breakfast on purpose most days. I'll often go on a bike ride on my lunch break and then just have a big snack.

    But there's nothing wrong with eating right before bed either. Going to bed super hungry sucks.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    I have to skip meals if I expect to eat well in other time. Your body can only take in so much before it balloons up.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I budget calories for a bedtime snack. If I don't, I wake up hungry in the middle of the night and am unable to go back to sleep unless I eat.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,690 Member
    If I miss a meal because I'm busy, I always end up eating it (or the equivalent number of calories) later. I get hungry.
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Personally, I sleep better if I have something in my stomach. On weekends I may skip breakfast because I am well rested and I'll have a latte (that has a lot of half and half in it -- so that's probably really not skipping anything).
  • michaelludgate31
    michaelludgate31 Posts: 10 Member
    Quite a few responses talk about 'being hungry', but that's just the body being used to the time table we impose on it, and it handling that as best it can "Isn't this the time you usually put a load of stuff in my stomach, let's get some acid ready". Thursday dinner to Sunday dinner is a three day fast, with walking on Saturday for 4 hours. Whilst it was a draining experience and required a little more will power than usual, it wasn't an epic experience of Ethiopian starvation. I'd recommend healthy people to look into intermittent fasting and work up a 2 and 3 day fasts, gives a much better perspective on what your body is able to do and what missing a meal actually means.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I'd recommend healthy people to look into intermittent fasting and work up a 2 and 3 day fasts, gives a much better perspective on what your body is able to do and what missing a meal actually means.

    To me, that makes about as much sense as saying I should intentionally shoot myself in the leg to give me a much better perspective on how effectively I'm able to manage pain and what a gunshot wound really means. No thanks.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I eat before bed. Never has bothered me. I guess it's a personal preference thing.