Summer Bodies are made in the winter!

Hey everyone im a 30/f/NY finally getting serious about my fitness goals again...i started the new year at 195 (5'4)...I'm currently 178 my goal is 140 by my summer vacation in Florida..Feel free to add me-let's help motivate each other!


  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    My goal is similar - sending you a friend request.
  • angelicthing
    angelicthing Posts: 4 Member
    I'm right there with you. I need to get my bikini body back. Our spring break in Texas is in two weeks and after April its def lake, pool and BBQ season. I'm at 140 now (5'3") and want to be at 125. My goal is to be there by the end of April. I'm 42 and a single mom of two great kids and working full time it does't leave much time to exercise so I've taken to drinking wine instead! lol