Losing weight without trying?!!!



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited February 2017
    katiehepp1 wrote: »
    Okay so this may sound strange but has anyone ever lost weight or known someone to when they haven't even tried and don't even realise they are? I have a friend who I know for sure doesn't eat a lot because he's always working - once he was so busy he only had a sausage at work and then dinner when he got home, today we went out for instance and he just had a subway a apple and a cheese burger. He isn't trying to lose weight but is because he's either too busy to eat or eats and gets full quite quickly!! Although some days he will eat loads!! How do people do this without trying when we try so hard

    I have. When I was younger I had a very hard time keeping weight on. When I was in high school my parents had to keep a close eye on my eating because left to my own devices I would just find other things to do...I was really active in sports and my parents knew I needed to eat so they basically established an eating plan for me.

    When I went into the military I weighed about 135...over the course of about 2 years I put on about 20 Lbs...I was double rations in boot camp and then for awhile I established a good eating plan and gym time...eventually my old eating patterns of not eating much returned and I dumped a good 10 Lbs that I didn't have to lose because I just didn't eat all that much. My life didn't revolve around food...often, it was more of a chore than anything to sit down and eat...places to go, things to do. I basically ate 3 meals per day and sometimes only 2...little to no snacking, and I was really active. Sometimes a meal was a taco from a taco truck from the beach...sometimes it was a whole pizza...it just depended, but as a general rule I wasn't eating what I really needed to be eating to help maintain my weight.

    I didn't gain weight really until I was in my mid 20s...and that was good weight as I was pretty rail thin. My real weight issue didn't establish itself until I was in my 30s and became far less active with a desk job and new family life...also, with more money, I could afford more and better food as well as good alcohol. Along the way I basically gained an appreciation for food that I never had before and kind of became a foodie.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I have a coworker that eats bagels for breakfast, then a 600+ calorie sandwich for lunch (it's Panera, I've looked), then goes out and has a few beers and has yet to expand beyond a twig. I keep telling him one day he's going to have a fat butt as karma. Then you have the people who have to be careful to eat enough to maintain or gain weight, which is both a blessing and a curse in some ways (too heavy = health problems, too skinny = health problems).
    I wish I was able to ignore food at times, it's very few and far between, or when I'm deeply engrossed in something, otherwise "FEED ME SEYMOUR" is what I hear from my stomach.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I've lost weight a few times in my life without trying. Never a large amount of weight, but I can easily drop 5-10 lbs with an increase in activity.
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    'Have you been losing weight without trying? is a screening question for malnourishment and need for people to be referred for dietitian review in most hospitals.

    Losing weight without trying can also be a sign of underlying serious medical conditions.

    That said, by just observing your friend in the hours you see him you really couldn't say for sure what he is or isn't trying to do.
  • alid8333
    alid8333 Posts: 233 Member
    Could be he's not eating enough or could be something medically wrong. To be on the safe side I would suggest he go to his doctor for a full work up.

  • alid8333
    alid8333 Posts: 233 Member
    andrea4736 wrote: »
    I definitely don't have that problem. I can gain weight super easy without trying though ;)

    lol I don't have that problem either. I can simply look at a cheeseburger and gain 5 pounds lol :D

  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    I once had a super crazy roommate that was causing me severe stress. I was so upset and stressed that I couldn't stomach food - had no appetite so I didn't even notice. For a number of weeks on end the only thing could manage to eat was a sesame seeds bagel with tomato and a slice of cheddar, every other or maybe every day. And only because I forced it. I lost like 16 lbs ! Finally moved out and continued to lose (healthy style now) down to my smallest siZe ever. That was like 8 years ago now. Unfortunately not all stressful situations cause this reaction in me. My dad had a massive stroke a year and a half after that and between practically living in the hospital and eating my feelings, I quickly put on about 20 + lbs. Then a few years later when I was getting married, my maid of honor got cancer and died close after the wedding, and then I moved countries. I out on another 50 lbs during that bout. I suppose it just depends on where your brain space is, and how you are reacting to life whether you lose , or gain by accident.
  • goodkoalie
    goodkoalie Posts: 84 Member
    This actually applied to me. I am a competitive swimmer, and in one season without counting calories, I went from 238 to 217 pounds in about 6 months. It all came back as soon after the season was completed though.